When do babies stay in head down positionWhen do babies stay in head down position

Most babies get into a head-down position in the womb by 32 weeks of pregnancy. This is called vertex presentation. It’s the best position for babies to be in for birth because it allows them to pass through the birth canal more easily.

By 36 weeks, most babies are head-down and stay that way until birth. However, about 3% of babies are breech at birth, meaning they are head-up or sideways.

There are a few things that can affect whether a baby stays in a head-down position, including:

  • The amount of amniotic fluid: If there is too much or too little amniotic fluid, it can give the baby more room to move around, which can increase the chances of a breech presentation.
  • The position of the placenta: If the placenta is low-lying, it can block the baby’s head from moving into the head-down position.
  • The shape of the uterus: If the uterus is tilted or has a fibroid, it can affect the baby’s position.
  • Multiples: If you are pregnant with twins or other multiples, it is more likely that one or more of the babies will be breech.

What hospitals do;

Doctors tell you what position your baby is during check up, they can monitor the baby’s position. If your baby is not head-down by 36 weeks, your doctor may recommend a version procedure. This is a procedure where the doctor tries to manually turn the baby into the head-down position. However, version procedures are not always successful. If your baby is still not head-down by the time of labor, a cesarean section may be necessary. However, most babies turn head-down on their own before labor starts.

What we recommend at AFRIBIRTHER

At Afribither, we recommend exercises or other treatments to help the baby get into a head-down position.

Here are some things you can do to encourage your baby to stay head-down, whether you have been told your baby is breech or not. These should be standard practice for every pregnant woman:

  • Incorporate local vegetables and herbs into your diet: Click each to view details Ewedu, Okra, Ewe abiwere .
  • Do hands-and-knees stretches: This can help to open up the pelvis and give the baby more room to move into the head-down position.
  • Sleep on your left side: This can help to improve blood flow to the baby and placenta.
  • Sleep with pillows between your thighs: simply means maternal positioning with gravity. Alignment promotes muscle relaxation and an open pelvis.
  • Practice Squatting regularly: Can help baby get into the birth carnal.
  • Avoid activities that put you in a supine (flat on your back) position for long periods of time: This can put pressure on the vena cava, which can reduce blood flow to the baby.
  • Try the spinning babies website: This website has a number of exercises and resources to help babies get into a head-down position.Here

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