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September 2023 Vaginal Birth Stories

Birth Stories

Congratulations to you strong mamas and papas. Both moms and dads are allowed to share their birth stories

Please add your birth story in the comments below.

This thread is for birth stories for members of the September 2023 Vaginal Birth Stories. Kindly go to other sections for other types of births. 

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ONLY the parents of the babies are allowed to post their birth stories. (If you want, admin can post for you, with permission from you (the parent) kindly contact us)

Below is a guideline, you don't have to fill all the pointers. Feel free to share as much, or as little of your birth story as you would like. Also, feel free to post pictures, including angel babies. Please remember that this is a public group so anyone can see information and pictures you've shared; crop out names or information from photos accordingly.

Your Screen name: 

Baby's Name: 


Date of Birth: 

Birth Location

Original Due Date: 

Weeks Pregnant: 

Baby's Weight: 

Baby's Length: 

Birth Story or link to Birth Story Post:

Your Screen name: jenny855

Sex: girl

Date of Birth: 14th of sept

Birth Location; Nigeria 

Original Due Date: Sept 5

Weeks Pregnant: 

Baby's Weight: 3.35kg

I will try not to make this so long….
After I had my twin in 2020, I really was not ready for another child Atleast not now.
But I took in last year December and started another journey. First trimester came with vomiting and all but it also came with new jobs ? because I am a social media marketer/manager..
2nd trimester came and I was still pushing, constantly visiting the hospital for either malaria, mostly malaria jnfact.
Then early trimester, I fell from the staircase. Kaiii it was not funny, I landed with my waist(which is still paining me till now) had bruises all over my body. I rushed to the Hospital, thankfully nothing was wrong with my baby.
My edd was September 5th, according to scan but my last period it was supposed to be last week of august. I was really hoping on giving birth in August. That’s how August came and was going, nothing was happening. I was just having false labour and contractions but nothing more.

I went to the hospital, baby and weight was increasing, according to scan she was 3.93. then the next week they said something was wrong with the machine the last week, so we checked again she was 3.75. Haa I was scared ooo

Then we scheduled for an induction if baby doesn’t come before Monday 11th. But baby girl was still resting and chilling.
So I came to the hospital for induction, the doctor checked and me and said I was already 2cm dilated, so they put in a ball kinda stuff and inflated it. So he said when it falls off I would be 4cm gone. Before I could even be done and stood up to go wait for it to fall off, as I stood up the stuff just fell off, then they went to call the doctor to come check me, when he came and checked, he said I was 5cm gone already. I said Haa thank God oo because my last pregnancy I wasn’t dilating well.

Then he prescribed some medication and I was also put on drip, I was told to lie on my left side so I could dilate faster, this was around 7 past 7. The contractions started hitting me mad, by 9 I was screaming, then they removed the drip because I had heavy show. They checked to be sure I wasn’t bleeding or anything and checked to see how dilated I was( because it was another doctor, he said I was 3cm, I was confused but I didn’t take it to heart)

By 11 I was already screaming and feeling pressure, but they said they will come and check me by 12. Few minutes to 12, I told my husband to go and call them ooo, the contractions were so painful now and I was feeling the urge to push. They came into my room to check me but I had another contraction they just told me let’s move to the labour room.

As I laid down and the nurse or midwife wanted to check me, my water just burst and she was I was already 9cm dilated(even me I was surprised, because I was kind of expecting to hear 6cm like the last time I was in labour) before 30minutes I was fully dilated

That was where another Wahala started. They told me to push with next contraction, I push tire but nothing, I also forgot to mention that baby had already pooped inside me so they wanted her out fast. That’s how we tried and tried, before they discovered she was lying using her face to come out. I wondered why the scan couldn’t detect that.

We sha tried and tried by 12:49 she came out with cord in her neck and they had to resuscitate her which they did and baby girl was weighing 3.35.

After that I had to be stiched because they gave me a cut and baby still gave me another deep tear. I was there for another one hour plus.

But all in all, I thank God because things could have gotten worse but glory to God.

Pls help me manage my scatter scatter story oo??? I know if I don’t do it now I might not again