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October 2023 Cesarean Birth Stories

Birth Stories

Congratulations to you strong mamas and papas. Both moms and dads are allowed to share their birth stories

Please add your birth story in the comments below.

This thread is for birth announcements for members of the October 2023 Cesarean Birth Stories. Kindly go to other sections for other kind of births. 

We know you may want to send congratulations or sympathy to other members as they share their stories! To keep this thread easy to read, here are three ways you can do that without commenting here:

  1. You can like the Birth Story
  2. You are more than welcome to start a post of your own to share your birth story and link it in the comment
  3. You can also send a private message to the member who posted the Birth Story

ONLY the parents of the babies are allowed to post their birth stories. (If you want, admin can post for you, with permission from you (the parent) kindly contact us)

Below is a guideline, you don't have to fill all the pointers. Feel free to share as much, or as little of your birth story as you would like. Also, feel free to post pictures, including angel babies. Please remember that this is a public group so anyone can see information and pictures you've shared; crop out names or information from photos accordingly.

Your Screen name: 

Baby's Name: 


Date of Birth: 

Birth Location

Original Due Date: 

Weeks Pregnant: 

Baby's Weight: 

Baby's Length: 

Birth Story or link to Birth Story Post:

Screen name; Akintola213

So this is my first baby,Edd was September 30 but baby came early hours of October 1st

On Wednesday morning around 1:30am I started having contractions,by 4am I saw my mucus plug and by 6:30 my water broke,we got to the hospital and I was just 1cm dilated so it started?‍♀️ my contractions became so hard and I had contractions all through Wednesday…same Thursday until 2pm and they decided to induce me …even after induction I contracted till 9pm and I was still 3cm dilated,at this point I got an epidural because I was super tired and couldn’t cope with the pain anymore


Around 11:30pm the doctors and midwives came in and told me I can’t do this anymore that anytime I contract my baby heartbeat keeps dropping coz he has his cord around his neck…that they need to rush me into the theatre…at this point I started prayers coz I was scared …they rushed me to the theatre 12:30am Friday my baby came out exactly 12:51am…


Still trying to recover as the pain is much…I pray to all expectant mothers may be receive our blessings in Jesus name