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November 2023 Vaginal Birth Stories

Birth Stories

Congratulations to you strong mamas and papas. Both moms and dads are allowed to share their birth stories

Please add your birth story in the comments below.

This thread is for birth stories for members of the November 2023 Vaginal Birth Stories. Kindly go to other sections for other types of births. 

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Screen name: Bimberry1307
To the glory of God, I welcome my Prince early this morning @ 6:14AM
Edd November 16
God's date November 11
Weight 3.8kg
Plenty Vaginal tears

Late January, one of my neighbours put to bed and I thought it good to give out the remaining baby things I had left . Me and DH already agreed to put a stop to child bearing after the 3rd child came in 2020. Only to find out early February that I was pregnant. Ha! Mogbe! I don't have anything left!!!
I took it in good faith sha and I started buying things all over again. Omo! It wasn't funny as things were overly expensive, they still are.

Early pregnancy had me vomiting nd uncomfortable. Couldn't withstand pleasant smells but I was eating a lot even though I vomit most of the time.

Second trimester was a free ride. Got my energy back but was constant having heartburn and occasional headache.

Third trimester, heartburn and pelvic pain was my companion. At a point, I considered getting
a break from work but I didn't because I knew I'd be tired of sitting at home. I managed till the very day I gave birth.

On 10th November, I told dh that I wanted sex after I got back from work. He was like, are you sure? We had sex that night and at about some minutes after 1.00am, I woke up to a stomach ache. I went to the toilet, did my thing and I went back to bed but the ache didn't subside so I started timing it. It was coming after every 4minute and some seconds.
I was able to manage the contractions till 2.45am when I woke dh up. Told him to put some hot water in the flask and prepare some noddles for the kids against daybreak.
We got to the hospital at exactly 4.24am. I was 6cm dilated. The contractions were coming back to back and I was managing it by breathing through the mouth. Ha my people, I thought boya kpe I was seeing shege until the nurse inject pitocin in my drip. People of the world, I started seeing shege pro max. I screamed o, as my back was on fire. In the space of 30min, I started feeling the urge to poo. I couldn't hold it, I started pushing (my mistake). Even though I was fully dilated but the nurse said I should be patient but I didn't listen.
The baby came out at 6.14am with serious tear to my cervix. The suturing is another story entirely.

In all, I give glory to the Almighty God. It wasn't easy o but looking at my son, it's worth all the pains.

Safe delivery to the remaining mamas. May God make it easy for you all. To the TTC, may God Almighty ease your affairs and grant you pious children that'll be the coolness of your hearts.

Screen name: Tinudesi(f)

To the glory of God our princess is here.
Dob..Nov 16
Born at 40 weeks and 1day weighing 2.8kg
Vd with no tear


Before pregnancy

My first child was just one year and eleven months that February we were still planning his second birthday when dh and I had unprotected sex on election day I think Feb 15 or so,since the birth of our first child dh has been using CD and it has perfectly worked for us but that morning it was election day shops were locked,and we just found out we were out of protectives and we decided to do it like thatand after that I will take drugs after that day we still had sex in that month but it was protected but I forgot to use drugs till month end I was expecting period to come but it didn't and i remembered I had just one unprotected sex then I bought a strip and boom it was positive,before the day I tested positive my mum called me that her pastors wife told her that I will be pregnant and I shouldn't abort it that its risky for my life and I should pray that the journey wont take my life haaaaa so when I tested positive I just accepted my faith but I really wasn't expecting a baby yet cos I wanted my son to be at least three plus before any pregnancy so the journey started

First trimester

I had almost all pregnancy symptom nausea, fatigue tiredness I was looking black vomiting the only thing I could take was anything pepperish

Second trimester

Still experiencing all this symptoms till 20 week but the spitting didn't stop till I deliver I experienced an attack during this time I woke up one morning and was vomiting blood I prayed and use the oil at home till I could get myself the journey was not easy but I started getting my self back and was eating heavily

Third trimester

I started having slight back pain and other things were normal.

Delivery day

I started having contractions off and on from 37 weeks plus although not that painful so I thought I will deliver early not knowing I dey play

At 40weeks one day I started having the contraction in the morning at round eight I was at work when it comes I just have the urge to pee with pains and menstrual cramp like the urge to pee confused me as that didn't accompany my first I endured it till we close at work at 4 I got home around 4:30 fed my son and did my normal chores till around 7 I wanted to start preparing our meal when I felt I couldn't anymore I just waited for dh cos he would soon be back I didn't want to call him he came in around 7:30 i told him how i was feeling,I had the urge to defecate and I did that likd two times before leaving so it delayed us we left home around past eight our road is bad so we trekked to the clinic we got there around past nine cos the place is far and I was relaxing as the contraction was high,the nurses asked me to lie on the bed to check how far am gone and lo and behold I was told I was full already that I should push at the next contraction haaaa I was like push ke I don't even understand that word again they kept on shouting at me I was just confused they gave me oxytocin on my legs and I nearly died screaming the pains was serious at the next contraction I just heard a baby's cry I didn't even push cos that one was just screaming but the nurses Sha helped me and the placenta followed immediately I gave birth around 9:40 pm that night.

Glory to God for giving me that grace it can only be God.

Fourth trimester

This hot water massage is something o and my vd still hurts even without tear,baby is not stressing me yet

B's submitted

Signing out November 2023

I don hang boot make no baby locate me o Economy is not smiling