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My VBA3C as a Nigerian in the UK.

- Pregnancy went on smoothly with no complications. Did all the test and scans no problem. What I did different this time around was refused to be consultant led . In UK, once you've one CS or more you can't be midwife led. I pushed seeing the consultant (doctor) till about 38weeks . And of course they suggested CS, for no reason other than My previous births were CS. And it will be best for both of us. They convinced me to book one for 40weeks and 3 days. When the day arrived I didn't turn up cos I was already getting few contractions here and there but nothing major. They gave me another date, but I insisted they should give me a date when I am over 42 weeks. So they found a date for Tuesday when I will be 42 weeks 4 days .

On Sunday, went for pre op; they took blood samples. I requested for a cervical check,they declined saying consultant wrote it in my note(meaning they don't want to offer me any help other than the CS). I felt defeated leaving the hospital, tears rolling down my eyes while curb walking. Just as I stopped for a car to pass by, the lady driver popped her head out of the car and said "Keep going, you can do this ". That brought more tears and I said to myself, can I really do this? Wiped my tears before getting to hubby in the cafe, I googled Starbucks labour drink and I ordered a large. We had a nice chat, walked for over an hour buying groceries, mainly things I will take to the hospital to eat after the CS.


BIRTH; Got home ,we ate and watched a movie with the kids. Everybody's mind was settled knowing the baby will come on Tuesday via elective CS. So we were a lot more relaxed, watched TV and just had a nice family time. Meanwhile I just thought to myself why not try one last thing which I knew about but I had tried way too early in the last Pregnancy but just had false labour. I said to myself the worst that can happen is having false contractions and it will stop before I head to bed. WELL THAT DID NOT HAPPEN THIS TIME.


30th of April 2023


- 5:22 pm; 60ml caster oil, blended with 1 cup of brewed raspberry leaf tea , and 1 pineapple core and cup of water. With ice

- Finished at 5;50 pm

- Diarrhoea(sorry TMI) 3 times

- Contraction begins at 10:20pm

- I set up a diffuser with clary sage oil to intensify contractions.

- By 11 pm I was in the bath and hubby was using the shower pressure on my back cause Contractions were crazy. I had only had paracetamol when contractions started and was using my breathing techniques and listening to meditation I saw on YouTube.

- While in the bath on all fours, I heard a pop and told hubby I think my water ? just broke and he said I think so too  cos the bath water has changed. It has some mucus and a very small bloody show.


All this has never happened to us before, but I knew at that moment, no going back now. We are definitely having this baby. I was only having as little as 30 secs btw strong contractions. We had a toddler who refused to sleep, he was distracted and as well fascinated by mummy screaming her head off cos at this point breathing technique was not working.


- I told hubby to call the hospital, in my head I was thinking how will I sit in the car with these crazy contractions. But the good thing is hubby called the ambulance instead and they were telling him what to do . The next thing I heard him say when he checked down below is, I can see hair. In my head I was like you say what? That was when I knew I was definitely having this baby. I was screaming "God help me God help me" , I intentionally knew I didn't want to say words like " I can't do this".


- Ambulance on his way, hubby on the phone with them .He cut the phone cos he felt they were distracting him but they called back saying he has to be on the phone until Ambulance arrives. His responses on the phone on what is happening down below was what I was using as my motivation. He told them I can see the head, but the head only pops out when she is having a contraction and the head pops back in when contraction stops( which was 15 secs) at this point. That was when I realised I was actually pushing my baby out. That huge ,massive pressure I was feeling down there was a head pushing its way out. Still on all fours , Ambulance came and they were all guys (I heard their voices) . One passed me gas and air, used it once and I got relieved but as soon as the contraction was getting strong I was off the gas and my body did the pushing. They kept telling me what was happening and just as all the head was out a lady paramedic arrived. I heard the paramedic say thank God a female is here. She encouraged me to push in the next contraction and I did. And just like that the rest of the body came out. I felt it come out and the relief I felt was beyond amazing. Hubby cut the cord and I was on gas and air still on all fours. It took me 15 mins to deliver the placenta and I felt it come out too.

- started pushing at 00:15am

- birth 00:49am (Monday 1st of May)

- placenta 15 mins later


So it was a crossover birth.


- birth 00:49am (Monday 1st of May)

- placenta 15 mins later

- Baby size; 4.180kg(over 9 lbs). My biggest baby ever


So it was a crossover birth.


Throughout pregnancy, no sweep , no cervical check.

During labour; No cervical dilation check, no baby monitor. And my body did its thing.


I went into this with a lot of research and informed decisions knowing fully well I was healthy and the baby was healthy. My iron level was amazing, nutrition level was amazing and mentally I was prepared. The only thing I never prepared for was giving birth at home without midwives present. Or having a very short labour even though I drank a lot of raspberry leaf tea, drank blended pineapple with core, ate dates ,drank ewedu(jute leaves) juice at least once a week towards the end and bath with herbal soap(from nigeria herbal shop) to help soften my body for birth. A lot of meditation and positive Hypnobirthing videos too.