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my August 2020 Birth Story

Screen name;  bimberry1307(f):
BS! BS!! BS!!!

This is going to be a long ride, so I'll advice you to grab a seat and probably zobo and popcorn.


2018, my younger sister died as a result of complications after birthing her twins through Cs. That incident shattered everything in the family. The pains of losing a loved one with taking care of those adorable and the fact that their father and his family acted irresponsible by abandoning the children (story for another day). It was hell!
I went home for break in December 2019 as usual, my parents called me separately to ask me why I've not given my second DD a younger one. I told them at God's appointed time. Me that have sworn not to have another baby after my sister's death not knowing that I was already pregnant, chai!


I was supposed to see my period on the 12th of December but it did not come and I was not worried because I was experiencing irregular periods before then. So on the 20th, I had to tell my DH and he said I should get a urine test strip. I was like for what nau, maybe na the irregular period again but he convinced me to take the test.
I took the test around 12am the next day, Lo and behold! It was positive. When I saw the two red lines, I screamed. My mum rushed out of her room shouting kilode,Kilode? I just sat down on the toilet floor crying. My mom saw the strip and sighed. She took me to her room and my dad joined us. They both prayed for me, telling me they understood my fears and that because my sister died doesn't mean I'll die like that too. that everyone have their own destinies and it's never the same. I took the pregnancy in good faith even though I stopped talking to DH for days that he had to come down to see me. He was just begging me not to be angry (as if no be together we do the do) lol.

1st trimester

Chai! This phase dealt with me no be small. Can't eat well even though I never vomit for once but I did not just have appetite. I was only comfortable taking cold soft drinks and junks. Around the 9th week, I had a threatened abortion. I was spotting blood for like one week. Had to be on bed rest for some time.

2nd trimester

This phase was wonderful. Got my appetite back and enough kpekusing during this phase. I glowed here Abeg.

3rd trimester

Hmmm, here, the fear came back but I did not let it get to me. I was speaking positive words to my baby and telling him that I'm dying to meet him. Tiredness, backache and headaches were my companion during this period. The stress of work, moving to the new site and arranging the house was something I can't describe but in all, I give God almighty all the glory.
On the 4th of August, I went for antenatal. DH said I should call when I'm done so he'll come over to pick me up but I didn't call. I trekked from FMC to my SIL's house as I already knew that's where dh Will be waiting for my call.
On 5th, I was having serious Braxton Hicks and thick white discharge but I didn't take it serious as there's no trace of blood. Around 6pm, the menstrual cramps-like pains started, I was enduring it till 9:10pm when I told DH that it's like labour have started o. He quickly called his eldest sister that we'll be bringing the kids to sleep over. I went to have a warm bath and gathered my hospital things. We got to the hospital at exactly 11.40pm, the nurse checked me and I was 7cm. The contractions were coming back to back. The way I was groaning ehn! She told the doctor to rupture my membrane but the doctor said until he eat first. Oh! I hated the doctor instantly (told him to his face after the whole show and he apologized). I called the nurse and begged her to help me and she did by stretching me (I don't know how she did it sha) then she ruptured the membrane by herself and asked me to push at the next contraction. My people, I pushed o but instead of baby to come out na poo I dey poo o. The nurse kept telling me to calm down and not panic (God bless that woman wherever she is). To cut the long story short sha, my prince came out at about 12:27am 6th August weighing 3.6kg with little tear. Baby came out but didn't cry. I started crying o and shouting he's not crying ooo. The nurse was like ha! Calm down nau, let me get the placenta out first. For where? Before you know it, I don stand up. But he cried before I put my legs down. The nurses were just looking at me. Me ma dey look them back. Ha! God forbid, 9months journey. Placenta came out, I was cleaned and sutured. After the birth of my son, Bp refused to go down. I was reading 160/100. I was placed on admission for monitoring. Drugs were prescribed and Bp dropped to 130/90.
We are home now and doing fine. May God almighty protect our kids and see the remaining mamas through with swift and easy delivery.
To the ttc mamas, may God meet you at your point of need. You'll all have reasons to rejoice soon.