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May 2023 Vaginal Birth Stories

Birth Stories

Congratulations to you strong mamas and papas. Both moms and dads are allowed to share their birth stories

Please add your birth story in the comments below.

This thread is for birth stories for members of the May 2023 Vaginal Birth Stories. Kindly go to other sections for other types of births. 

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Date of Birth: 5th of May

Birth Location; Abuja

Original Due Date: 31st of May

Weeks Pregnant: 37 weeks

Birth story/Testimony.

Got married in DEC 2018, as a Virgin,(for my mind, virgin nor de get fertility issues) I and my husband decided we didn't want kids yet, at least make we enjoy our sef small. We were doing withdrawal and using condoms. (For our mind)

Months after I started having a pain in my lower abdomen, I went to see a gynaecologist in a general hospital. That was when our journey started, I did a series of test and I was diagnosed with right hydrosalpinx, they started pumping me with clomid. Wwhen covid started, Doctor refused attending to me, saying, infertility is not a life threatening disease, I should return after covid. I didn't use the hospital for the whole year.

Mil will bring her herb, I will drink the one I can discard the ones I'm not comfortable with. So much advice from left right center.

We started using a private hospital, where my husband works, rounds of clomid started again, after using clomid for 6 months, doctor advised iui, or ivf.

We went to sleep again, because we can not come and kee our self. My husband was always there to encourage me. Every one I got married with same time were all with children , some were even with third pregnancies.

I went online and I started doing research about blocked tubes. And I saw that our doctors are just being lazy since there is an option of ivf. I saw that the traditional method before IVF was to get rid of the blocked tube that has fluids (hydrosalpinx) because the fluids leaks Into the uterus and prevents conception from happening. Then the other tube will work fine.

Then I went to meet another doctor, and asked him if it's possible to remove my right tube that is bad, oga say nooooooo. It's not done.

Hmm, naim I con rest ooo

We begin to gather money for IVF. Then in the IVF thread a doctors number in abuja was dropped, and another mama contacted him, and she shared their conversation with us which drew my attention.

A day before my delivery, I went for antenatal, I was already 36 weeks 1 day, I haven't done a scan to ascertain the baby's position. I asked the doctor, she said next week, 37th week. After antenatal I stayed back at my husband's office, I was given a mattress,I had a little cramp that didn't last long, I guess that was when my labour started.

I went home that day, the next day, I woke up and went to wee, before I could wee, water came out, I thought it was urine, not knowing my water had broken, I went about my normal duties. Sewing, I pedaled my machine till evening, I was just having little discomfort, sweating than normal and frequent urination, and mild menstral pain. One mind was telling me it was labour, another was telling me it's supposed to be painful na.

On my way home, I called my husband to tell my doctor that I want to branch the hospital, that I'm having little cramps. The doc said I should go home and relax, and take paracetamol, that its stress. If it continues after 2 hours i should come to the hospital.

At about 9pm I told my husband we should start going to the hospital, though there wasn't much pain. When we got there, they did a scan, and the radiographer said I'm in labour that my baby's head has engaged already.

I went to labour ward the nurse checked and said 8cm, (that checking was so painful meeen, ) after checking that was when I knew I was in labour.

I got to the hospital at about 10, Gave birth, 11:27, I had multiple tears, after placenta came out I started bleeding, they couldn't handle the situation, at about 1am, I was rushed to ubth, the stitches that was done was loosened and restitched, I was in pain all through, pain killer didn't work, I was given a total of 6 blood, mostly freshly donated blood. In all, I give God all the Glory. We came out victorious.

Original Due Date: 16th of May

Birth Date: 16th of May

Screen name: Temtemmie

Birth story

I return all the glory to God for seeing me through this pregnancy because sincerely I thought I wasn't going to be alive to tell the story.

This pregnancy was the most blissful one out of all my pregnancies not to say otherwise....from the very first month it was from one health problem to the other,from one spiritual problem to the other....hmmmm,to stand was a problem likewise to sleep and sit....I was always in pains for no reasons..different revelation was coming from all corners my sisters it wasn't easy at all.

The last month was so difficult for me but I thank God for my hubby,he was my pillar of support aside God also my beautiful babies(1st (5)and second born(3))they were always asking mummy is it your leg or your back?

I will rub it for you

My previous birth has always been after my edd with my 1st 40 weeks 5days and my second 41 weeks and 5 days but I kept praying to God to please let this one not be that long cos the pain no be small.

I have been having on and off contractions for some weeks but I wasn't bothered cos has always been the norm for me in my pregnancies...on the 13th of May which was my sister in laws wedding ceremony I was having more contraction probably because I did some chore was walking up and down like a duck but it stopped after I got home took a shower and slept

Monday evening around 7pm my hubby wanted to go pick my mum in law and dad in law who were to travel the following day,I started having contractions again while cooking but i kept on cos I felt it was the normal false labour thing...

I later noticed that it kept coming at about 7 mins interval but I still wasn't convinced it was true labour as I hadn't seen a show like I did for the previous births.

When my mum in love got home(God bless her) she noticed I was having contractions n asked if we should head to the hospital I refused like I did my hubby cos I dey expect

She told me that childbirth differs that I might not see the show until the baby is ready to come..I started singing praises while going back n forth in the room.

I couldn't eat ..I took my bath and told my hubby some mins to 11 to let us go to the hospital as I had the urge to poo

We then headed to the hospital with my mum on love leaving my father in love and the kids who were fast asleep at hoke.

The gates that ought to have been closed were all wide open when we passed and I got to the hospital past 11 ...I was checked n was told all is fine that I was at 5cm except that my baby was hungry so my hubby had to get bread n made tea...I took the tea n a bite of bread...

Omo the contraction just no make me see road at all....I later told the nurses I wanted to poo though I had gone to wee 2ce but they insisted I waited till 1am before I will be checked again but after much plea I was taken to the labour room...

Lo and behold my baby was already coming and was asked to push at the next contraction and my beautiful boy came out crying after 2 hard push because I couldn't stop

He came out with cord round it's neck and body and he almost fell from the Birthing say am grateful to God is an understatement.

I pray all other pregnant mamas have great testimonies to share in Jesus name amen.

I gave birth some minutes after 12am exactly on my edd...the show.came when the head was near and my water.bag ruptured while I was pushing not sure if it was the nurse that ruptured it sha...I named him Eriifeoluwasimi because I can't say all I went through in this pregnancy both spiritually,emotionally, physically and health wise.

I Don hang boot ooooo I leave the rest to you

Thanks for having me




I honestly do not know where to start but I hope I'll be able to make some sense at the end of this story tho.


I figured out I was pregnant in October when we travelled for a function in Lagos. And as a result of the challenges my husband and I were facing we agreed we wouldn't keep it. We had concluded we weren't ready for a second child and so.. I visited our doctor there for an abortion. It was successful (IMO) and when we returned to Abuja we carried on with our lives.


Fast forward to November, I didn't see my monthly visitor (he wasnt even in town so i wasn't sexually active) I went for a scan and I was Pregnant!!!! Okay... I accepted it in good fate.


Then in December my husband and I were having a discussion, he mentioned some of the issues he was currently facing with his car and inability to sell our house in Kuje. He needed money to fix the car so he could work and be able to cater for me and the kids. He wanted me to borrow some money from fairmoney for him and he'd pay back in February when the house is sold. I had concerns, first the money was a lot and the interest rate was high but he wasn't bothered. I proceeded and then wired it to his account.


December 26th, I found out my husband was preparing to go settle down with someone else, A girl he had denied knowing. I was devastated. This was where my depression set in. I was suicidal from the 3rd month of this pregnancy till the 6th month. I somehow got a Job when I was 5 months gone but stopped 2 months later.


I wasn't feeding well, I couldn't concentrate, taking my routine tabs was an issue, Living was hard and all I wanted was Death. I would question God, why me? I would starve the whole day, I fed once a day Sometimes.. Nothing seemed interesting but my son.. He was always looking out for Mummy.


Third trimester, I was getting used to being strong. Everything else was going well till we arrived the month of May. I wanted to give birth at 37 weeks for some reasons. That week came, passed, nothing! So did 38 week to 40 weeks. I was becoming depressed all over again. How do I tell this baby that I had a ton of bills and responsibilities on my shoulders, remaining in my stomach wasn't helping at all.


I resolved to seeking measures to induce labour. I did the little I could,yet nothing happened. Sunday morning, I woke up crying. I was tired, and fed up. My mums caretaker had called to say he was out of Patience and won't be giving any more grace and my mum was already tired of having me and my son. I knew what she was going through and didn't want to keep staying at home and so I went to church with my son. I got back feeling better, 12pm contractions started. And because I was used to them I didn't take it seriously but it persisted till 3pm so I went to the hospital and pleaded with them to check me. They did, and I was 4cm dilated!


I was super excited! Little did I know it was going to be a longgggggggg ride.. I was alone, and in pains ? till 7pm when my sister came then mum came later. Indeed not all pregnancies are same. Long story cut short, I gave birth around 3am after a long fight. It wasn't easy but we give Glory to God.


I've burnt my boots tho.. Safe delivery to every preggy mama! God will see y'all through.