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May 2023 Cesarean Birth Stories

Birth Stories

Congratulations to you strong mamas and papas. Both moms and dads are allowed to share their birth stories

Please add your birth story in the comments below.

This thread is for birth announcements for members of the May 2023 Cesarean Birth Stories. Kindly go to other sections for other kind of births. 

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Screen name: Eniwunmi

Birth date: 4th of May

Gender: Boy


So my pregnancy was smooth from the beginning, my morning sickness wasn’t so bad I was basically okay but 3rd trimester came with it’s own stress, the heaviness and I was eating so much around the 8th month??and I also noticed that my feet was swelling and everyone I asked said it was because I was close to my due date. On the 2nd of May, when I woke up, I noticed that my face was very swollen and in my mind I just knew that wasn’t normal, I called the hospital and they asked me to come so they can check it & one of my aunts said it’s normal & that is how she always gets swollen when she’s almost due & I shouldn’t go to the hospital just yet.

As a first time mom, i agreed and thought I was probably overreacting and I just chilled since I had my midwife appointment on the 4th, I decided to wait till the 4th.

On getting to my midwife, she tested my urine & she said I had alot of protein in my urine- protein +++ & she checked my BP which was also extremely high so she told me to go to the hospital immediately, I went home & carried my bag just in case but I felt fine just heavy and very tired. On reaching the hospital, they did a repeat test and took my blood and when the results came back they said I had preeclampsia and that they had to take my baby out that day. They said they were going to try to regulate my blood pressure and if it comes down, they’ll induce me but if it doesn’t they were going to take the baby out via CS.

So, they started pumping me with blood pressure medication, the BP did not come down and so they said I had to make a decision for the CS, I told them I felt okay and begged to come back if they would release me because I wasn’t ready..they refused & said it would be risky for me & my baby as it was already affecting my kidney…I just thank God, my prince was born 5:53pm on Thursday the 4th of May and we are both doing fine,taking it one day at a time. 

Wishing every other May mamas safe delivery❤️


Screen name; Timitoyo


BS BS BS (Part 1)


I didn't see my period in Nov 2018, it was 3 months to my 41st birthday. I knew I wasn't pregnant though I mated with my fiance then but foolishly used contraceptive. Fast forward to Feb 2019, he called off the relationship after I tested negative to pregnancy test but period refused to come . It was later I got to know another lady got pregnant around that period for him .


I started seeing a gynae who suggested I do nothing for 3-4 months to see if my cycle will reset itself . I did series of tests but nothing though the Dr suspected PCOS . I later changed clinic and the new Gynae placed me on 28- day contraceptive of which my period will come after then. It was like this for 10 months , by then it was already 2020.


The reality that I may not be able to conceive was wearing me down. I started performing poorly in the office. It got to an extent the GM who is an Engineer will see errors in the accounts I prepared as a Chartered Accountant. I was contemplating suicide but the thought that my mum ( who stayed with me will suffer) quickly snuffed out that thought .

In June 2020, as usual I went to see the Gynae but he was on sabbatical leave so I met one of the junior gynaes . He was full of concern immediately he reviewed my file and took me to meet the consultant. That's a day I will never forget .He took a look at my file and said;

" Madam, you cant conceive even through IVF"


I was devastated beyond words , taking a look at my face the junior gynae took me to his colleague who then said the best approach is to get pregnant and not searching for monthly period . I started crying , no husband no boyfriend how on earth will I achieve this ?

I was placed on clomid and advised when to meet a man, I drove home like craze thinking who I can confide in for solution. I called my cousin in the USA who said I should go to club and look for a man , I screamed and laughed at the same time that I can't ,so I remembered a fellow course mate who have been asking me out. That night I chatted him up that I will be in his place in Delta state for some days ( I live in the south ) , I took some days off work and zoom to Delta. I did this for 3 cycles but only result was a chemical pregnancy and overbloated body , by this time I have resigned from my work because no employer will tolerate my frequent travelling ( thank God I have a side hustling and some investment)


On the 3rd occasion, my elder sister called and asked when will I get married and start bearing children, it was already past my 42nd birthday. I cried and called my cousin again who then suggested IVF. Hence the IVF journey began.


I did 2 cycles in a hospital in Lagos , there it was discovered I had blocked cervix . This was operated on before the transfer but both cycles failed . So I came to NL and discovered the IVF trend . Note that, the sperm of friend in Delta were not motile but he kept saying I took him to places where they lied to him so I decided to go for donor sperm .


Then I changed to another IVF clinic in Abuja, this I noticed were more patient and professional in their approach. They were not overwhelmed nor pricey like the one in Lagos . After the 3rd trial, I had twins gestation .I was elated .

At Week 10, scan showed one of the twins has stopped growing at Week 7. Since then my heart always pound anytime I go for scan. As a result of this , I kept the pregnancy news to myself. None of my family members knew including my mum who stayed with me I only told them after I was admitted for 9 days to monitor my blood sugar so there was no way I couldn't tell them why I was in the hospital because they were scared . 10 days after I told my mum, she passed on.


The pregnancy was pretty easy, no nausea, no vomiting, no food nor smell adversion . The only thing was the bitter taste on my mouth .


From day 1, my consultant has stated I will deliver via CS due to age, so on Week 37 and 6 days I headed to the hospital but the teaching hospital was on strike so had to use a private hospital. The CS was pretty fast, within 5 mins I heard the cry of my baby , only the stitching took time .I was 45yrs, 3 month and 14 days old.


I was discharged 2 days later immediately it was certified my daughter didn't have jaundice.