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June 2023 Vaginal Birth Stories

Birth Stories

Congratulations to you strong mamas and papas. Both moms and dads are allowed to share their birth stories

Please add your birth story in the comments below.

This thread is for birth stories for members of the June 2023 Vaginal Birth Stories. Kindly go to other sections for other types of births. 

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  2. You are more than welcome to start a post of your own to share your birth story and link it in the comment
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ONLY the parents of the babies are allowed to post their birth stories. (If you want, admin can post for you, with permission from you (the parent) kindly contact us)

Below is a guideline, you don't have to fill all the pointers. Feel free to share as much, or as little of your birth story as you would like. Also, feel free to post pictures, including angel babies. Please remember that this is a public group so anyone can see information and pictures you've shared; crop out names or information from photos accordingly.

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Baby's Name: 


Date of Birth: 

Birth Location

Original Due Date: 

Weeks Pregnant: 

Baby's Weight: 

Baby's Length: 

Birth Story or link to Birth Story Post:

Screen name; UmuMuhsinah



Hmmm, Alhamdulillah! All thanks to God.

Though my edd was June but never expected to born to June cos my two previous deliveries were post dated.

The journey was really stressfree and smooth all thanks to God, though I really didn't rest through out cos I can't leave my shop for these girls, and from home to shop everyday was like ascending mountain HUD.

I started feeling some kind of tightening in my stomach from last month, complained at anc, they said it was just false contractions. It keeps going till this month and I never experience labour on my own. My first, I went to the hospital that I must birth that day and doctor did cervical swifting/sweeping, second I was induced.

So, yesterday morning, woke up well, it was raining and I decided to wash, wash till afternoon, after cleaning the house I went to shop. Was gisting with my neighbor when I noticed the cloud again, so I left my kids at the shop around 6:30, but on my way home, that was when I noticed the contraction. Till I got home, took my clothes in, sat down and started the timing, it was 7min interval.

I've seen this birth ball the people use online, I don't have so I improvise now, u know ?. I sat straight upright with hand on my lap and legs almost joined together on a cushion in the sitting room, I was rocking the chair like they do rock the ball and I did that for like 10min before hubby came back from mosque. Meanwhile contactions now comes at 4min interval, we don't have a car and I wouldn't want to be begging neighbor to take me to hsp for labor. Honey let's go, I think it's time, man said are you sure, I think though.

Got to hsp, I told nurse to not check yet but she insisted that she must to know my condition, she checked and I was 6cm around to 10 and was fully dilated the second time she checked around 11pm. Na so she say, madam push when I feel strong contractions, the woman pour Goya oil into my jjna when I became fully dilated, so as I felt the thing and push eh, my princess slipped out ni o, with no tears at all.

They later discovered little tear inside and wanted to suture when I say no cos of my past experiences, I requested to be sidated, na so my soul left my body and started this marathon race to God knows where, but It Shaa came back to my body o. Alhamdulillah, was cleaned up and taken upstairs to join hubby and baby. Couldn't touch or feel the baby till morning cos I couldn't control my limbs. Now, am here with my family though I've not been able to feed the baby cos milk hasn't come yet.

Thanks and pardon my gbagaun and epistles.

Screen name; JstBrave(f)

Gender; baby girl 

Time: 3.57am

weighing : 2.7kg.

BS! BS!! BS!!!

My first pregnancy was in 2018, I was part of the August 2018 team. I didn't drop my birth story then (covers face), na procrastination cause am o. Long story short, I had my DS at 40 weeks + through CS that year cos labour wasn't progressive (I was stuck at 8cm dilation for a very long time).

Fast forward to 2022 when I found out I was pregnant with my second baby, I was happy and hoped that I'd be allowed to try VBAC. Apart from the morning sickness during the first trimester, the pregnancy journey was really smooth. I started taking dates daily from like 36 weeks cos I was tired already and determined to evict the baby before week 40.

On the 17th of June, (39th week) I started feeling some menstrual-like pains in the morning and decided to take a walk. I trekked for like 30 minutes and went back home. The pain was still there, so I knew labour had started. I did everything possible (cleaning, stairs climbing, squatting, pacing up and down in the house, ate dates) to make labour progress.

I called the hospital around 5pm and was told I could come. But because I didn't want to get to the hospital and be told I was 4 or 5 cm dilated, I stayed back at home for some additional hours. Myself and my hubby took another walk, I'd stand still when contractions hit and continue walking right after. Around 10pm, the pain became unbearable and in my mind, I must have gotten to 7cm. So, hubby and I headed to the hospital.

I got to the hospital and I was checked by my midwive, she told me I was 1.5cm dilated. I looked at my husband and I couldn't even cry. I told her there must be a mistake somewhere, the pain I was feeling was too much for 1.5cm cervix opening. I was told to go and do a pending test in another section of the hospital, I was offered a wheelchair but chose to walk though we still went with the wheelchair just in case I get tired. The hospital is a very big one and at a point, we missed our way but I was still walking and stopped to rest when contractions hit.

By the time we eventually located the place to do the test, my lower back was already on fire. I couldn't walk back to the ward so I used the wheelchair. When I got to the ward (few minutes past 12am), I was checked again and it was 4cm. My midwive said the contractions are really strong and that baby might come soon, I was moved to the labour room. Not long after, I was already screaming and shouting, the contractions were really close and I had just few minutes to rest in between.

I was feeling the urge to poo at each contractions, I was checked again, and I was 7cm dilated. She then burst my water. At this point, I started crying that I can't bear the pain again and requested for an epidural. I was told they need to run some tests before they can administer the epidural. Someone came for my blood sample, the result of the test was ready in about  20 minutes thereabout. Epidural was administered, was told it'd take about 15 minutes before I can feel the effect. The epidural didn't take away the pain completely, it only took the pain from level 10 to like level 6. My midwive also testified that the epidural didn't work well, I don't know why. She checked me again and I was 10cm dilated. When it was time for me to push, I was instructed to do so. After several trials, baby girl came out at about 3.57am weighing 2.7kg. My husband was guided on how to cut the umbilical cord, the placenta was delivered and I was stitched up cos I had little tear. We were kept in the hospital for 2 days, baby's glucose level was monitored during this period.

4th trimester hasn't been easy but with the support from my darling hubby and son, we are coping.

If I will come back for 3rd missionary journey? I am indifferent, let God's will be done.

I pray for safe delivery for all preggy mamas. And for those looking up onto God for this kind of gift, may God grant your heart desires. Amen