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October 2023 Birth Stories

Birth Stories

Congratulations to you strong mamas and papas. Both moms and dads are allowed to share their birth stories

Please add your birth story in the comments below.

This thread is for birth announcements for members of the October 2023 Birth Stories. Kindly go to other sections for other kind of births. 

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ONLY the parents of the babies are allowed to post their birth stories. (If you want, admin can post for you, with permission from you (the parent) kindly contact us)

Below is a guideline, you don't have to fill all the pointers. Feel free to share as much, or as little of your birth story as you would like. Also, feel free to post pictures, including angel babies. Please remember that this is a public group so anyone can see information and pictures you've shared; crop out names or information from photos accordingly.

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Baby's Name: 


Date of Birth: 

Birth Location

Original Due Date: 

Weeks Pregnant: 

Baby's Weight: 

Baby's Length: 

Birth Story or link to Birth Story Post:

Name; Jjaney

Birth Date; 2nd of October 2023

Baby Weight; 3.7kg

Location; Hospital

First trimester:
I took in in January. I was preparing for Sunday church service one morning and I noticed I couldn't stand for long. I was breathless and I had to sit down after standing for some minutes. That's when I suspected I had taken in and I did a test to confirm. So, the first trimester was full of morning sickness. I have heard a lot of people say that second pregnancy is usually less stressful than the first and I thought it would be like that, but it wasn't. I vomited a lot. I could barely eat what I prepared myself and my level of tiredness was unimaginable. Nothing helped my morning sickness. I tried everything, even native chalk and bitter cola. The nausea was horrible.

Second trimester:
Second trimester came with severe pelvis pain, walking around was tedious. I was tired constantly. I had cravings and mood swings, and eating anything I prepared myself was hard. Sleeping at night was also very difficult. Nausea stayed till the early weeks of the third trimester; still vomiting and feeling sick. I was working from home so I kept myself busy and active with work to distract myself.

Third trimester:
This is where we need to back up a bit. When I just took in for my previous pregnancy, I joined this forum. I was a silent follower. Then Someone posted about a book, "Supernatural Childbirth" and how God made her delivery easily without pain. I looked for the book, read it, and followed the prayers in it. My previous delivery story will be for another day. Fast forward to this time, I did the same thing with the prayers for an easy delivery. A few days to my due date, I started going on exercises, walking long distances. Then I ate lots of pineapples, dates, and pawpaw. On the 30th of September, I started to feel some contraction, but there was no pain. I wanted to head to the hospital but I felt the pressure wasn't strong enough. I kept eating my dates and other fruits. On the 1st of October, the pressure kept coming and going without pain. I was still gisting and doing every other thing I could do. I told my husband about the pressure and we had a prayer together for the baby to come the next day. October 2nd, 3 a.m., the pressure was a bit more. When it was daybreak, I told my husband we should head to the hospital. Getting there, the matron on duty looked at me and asked if I was in labor, I said yes. She said she would have to check to confirm. At this point, the intervals between each contraction was quite close. She checked me and I was immediately admitted. I was told I was already 8 cm. I was taken into the labour ward and they discovered my water was bulging but it hadn't broken. They broke the water and an hour later my baby was out weighing 3.7kg. A little throwback: My first baby was 4.5kg, so I was determined to have a smaller baby this time to avoid tears. I ate mostly fruits and veggies for lunch and avoided excess carbs. My husband also watched my diet closely. There were many times he refused me having some of my cravings if he knew it would be unhealthy for me. He helped me through it. In all, my delivery didn't take up to two hours. If I had stayed home an hour more, I would have delivered at home. And because I was believing God for a painless delivery, I was conscious of the possibility of that happening. God can be trusted. He did it for me.
Thanks to the house for all the support. Safe delivery to all expectant moms. God is faithful.

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Toke Koni

Screen name: LagracedeDieu(f)

Birth Date:14th of October 

Gender; girl

Baby  weight; 3.6kg

Time; 12:56am


A little journey down to 2020

We got married in 2020. We had our plans on childbirth. We wanted to wait for 3 months before starting a family. After those 3 months, we started trying and nothing was forth coming. It was a loonnnnngggggg journey!

Different hospital visits and appointments. Different tests, scans, etc. The overall outcome remains - nothing was wrong with both of us.

I was placed on different types of drugs - the side effects of those drugs were crazzzzyyyy.

I was gifted a book by my wonderful colleague (former) - Supernatural Childbirth. I read the book, digested it, made the confessions therein almost everyday.

One of the longest periods of a woman's life is waiting for the next cycle to see if she'll at least miss her period. The wait is always LONG!

Each time my period came, was always an emotional time for myself and hubby but along the line, my faith in God was built and I wiped my tears and told the devil ENOUGH! I'll not cry again! That was it!

Was it easy? NOOOOOOO! Not when people who got married after you are pregnant, giving birth left, right and center and the people are asking all manner of questions.

In all these, I had people who were genuinely praying for us and encouraging us - the "bestest" gift!

2021 - nothing! Not even a missed or delayed period!
2022 - same story!

Early 2023, I got a new job with better pay and work experience, so, I made up my mind to focus on the new job, I made up my mind to be more committed in the house of God and other plans to achieve.

Early February, I saw what I thought was blood stain so I went to get pad. The following day, nothing came, meanwhile, I was already feeling the normal PMS so, I thought to myself maybe the delay is due to stress from my new job. Waited for 2 more days and nothing!

I bought PT strip, did the test and saw one thick line and a small faint line - I did not know what to feel!

Repeated it the following day - same thing! I did not tell my husband all along. I snapped it and sent to my sister. She started rejoicing but I was skeptical. I did not want my hopes to be raised unnecessarily.

2 days later, did blood test and shocked shocked shocked I was PREGNANT! Unbelievable! I did not know what to feel!

Valentine's Day celebration was close, I wanted to make it as a surprise announcement to my husband but. . . I could not wait grin

Told my husband that same night. It was emotional! We prayed, thanked the Lord and committed the journey of 9 months into his hands!

Indeed, God is faithful! Was the journey smooth? Not really but grace for the whole 9 months was supplied. I enjoined divine strength that sometimes I would have forgotten I'm carrying a child not until I feel tired, I'll have to remind myself to slow down.

1st trimester was a bit bumpy - nausea, tiredness, etc

2nd trimester was the easiest - I just dey fine, dey glow any how.

3rd trimeter - I was always tired but I enjoyed God's strength!

Labor and childbirth
Contractions started on the 12th of October - on and off. Went to work came back. Same thing on the 13th. I came back from work, entered the market to buy stuff, made egusi soup we had dinner. By few minutes past ten, the contractions were getting stronger by the minutes, I was thinking, I could manage it but hubby said we should head to the hospital.

Got there few minutes past 11pm, I was checked and I was just 2 cm. But the pains were not funny. I was there and from time to time, a nurse will come and check how far. It got to 6cm and then 8cm and then, my water was broken.

By 10am in the morning I was taken into the delivery room. I was told what to do but my brain was not processing anything because I was already tired and weak!

Time to push, I kept trying to push but it seems my strength was failing me - God bless the midwives! They were encouraging! THey kept praying for me!

My husband! Oh! God gave me the best of his sons! He was there all through - praying and encouraging me on! I don't know what I'll do without this great man!

After sometime of pushing, our princess arrived on the 14th of October at 12:56pm weighing 3.6kg.

In all, my heart is filled with gratitude to God for this wonderful gift.

Looking at her face as I type this morning, all I can say is God's word will always come to pass no matter what. She is a fulfilment of God's word for my husband and I.

I pray for those TTC, you'll carry your babies soonest!

All pregnant mommas, you'll deliver safely, without unnecessary stress.


Screen name: Fineire(f)

Birth Date: 25th of October 


Baby  weight; 3.6kg

Time; 6:12am

Pregnancy journey was quite eventful. My mouth was constantly salivating, couldn't keep food down in the 1st trimester,so I fed majorly on fruits(ah! watermelon,mango,cucumber and garden egg came to the rescue). To control saliva when at work or in public,I had olive fruit in my mouth until it stopped working for me. But through it all, I enjoyed good health.

Did I mention I could not stand smells?(Good smell).This lasted till after delivery self.

Fast forward to 35 weeks, I started having off and on contractions and I was happy,thinking it's a sign that baby wants to come early unlike my previous pregnancy that lasted for 41 weeks and a few days. But I guess my mind was playing on me.

Went for antenatal on the 24th of October and after I was attended to, the matron said she would advise me to do a membrane sweep to force start labour. According to her, the scan I did at 36 weeks shows that the baby is already 3.6kg, and I am now 39 weeks(three weeks after the scan,the baby would have gained more weight) + my first baby weighed 3.9kg so there is every possibility that this baby will also be big or even bigger. ( The shalaye is sha too much). So immediately she met with the Dr...she explained her reasons for her decision to the Dr and the both saw reasons. Who are my to say no! Besides the idea of putting to birth soonest made so much sense cause I was already tired.

Membrane sweep was done around 9:30 am that same day. I was asked to go home and return for observation in 4hrs. By the time I returned to the hospital around 1:30pm.I was 3cm gone already. I thought it was good progress. The midwife sha did another membrane sweep again and wanted to admit me since the progress is fast but I declined.So was told to return in another 4hrs if contractions is bearable. When I got to the hospital around 6pm, I was told I was still at 3cm and this could even be false and just be an opening as a result of hand entry for the sweep.( At this point I was not finding the back and forth drama funny.I was having contractions and the intensity was on an increase yet you are telling me you are not sure what I am feeling is genuine. At this point,they asked that if labour does not progress in the cause of the night,I should do a biophysical scan and bring the result to the hospital the following day. The outcome of the result will determine if they can induce me or will do a Cesarean section to bring the baby out.

When I returned home that night,the discomfort was on a high,so I decided to walk around. Did this for more than 2 hours and finally went to bed. At a point, it seemed the whole contractions buhaha stopped and I was getting worried already. At about 4 am in the morning, contractions returned in full force. I was having 2 contractions in 5 minutes, membrane rupture after the 1st four contractions. Immediately I saw a mucus plug. I knew we needed to be on our way to the hospital. Yet, I didn't want to get there too early(I felt I have had enough vaginal examinations already). When we finally arrived the hospital around 4:30 am, I was told I was 7cm dilated. The speed at which the were attending to me,I thought baby would be out in less than 10 minutes but that was not the case.

When I finally got to 10 cm,I was told that my lip was yet to give way,so I should hold on and try as much as possible not to push. My dear,this was the hardest part, because the pain was almost unbearable. I was at this point for almost 15 minutes.

Finally at 6:12am, our bundle of joy came forth, in a melodious tune and at that moment I forgot the whole pain I was feeling or had felt. Placenta followed 8 minutes later. Grace started it,Grace sustained it and Grace completed it!

Wishing every preggy on this group safe and easy delivery