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January 2024 Vaginal Birth Stories


EDD 21.01.24

Delivery Date: Jan 03,2024

Baby Weight; 2.6kg

Gender; Girl

Time; 10.53pm

BA and BS

My princess came at 10.53pm last night weighing 2.6kg, EDD 21.01.24
I went for my antenatal appointment yesterday and I complained that I have seen water thrice not knowing that I ought to have rushed to the hospital since the first day I saw it last week.
I was scheduled to be induced in the evening as I begged to go to the office to take permission and do a proper handover.
I got to the hospital by past 5 as against the 4 PM appointment time.
I was given misoprostol under my tongue to enable contraction. The doctor examined me and realized there was no water, membrane was gone and I was 5cm dilated.
I was given antibiotics that made me vomit since I had lost water for over a week and risked chorioamnionitis.
I started having contractions in about an hours time. I ate and was chatting to eliminate fear while having contractions of 8 minutes apart.
I was later moved to delivery ward when I felt like excreting.
The contraction was so painful. I was administered oxytocin to enable the cervix dilate as it was still hard and I have only gotten to 6cm.
By past 10, I had to hold my buttocks when the contraction hits to restrict myself from pushing because I wasn't up to 10cm.
The nurse then asked me to open my legs and saw that the head had crowned. She then said the next contraction, I should push.
I made sure to listen to my body and when it hit, I pushed as instructed and she came out with no tear. I later delivered placenta.
I wish all mamas still waddling a safe and stress free delivery. I also use myself as a point of contact for TTC women that they too shall bear their young.