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January 2023 Cesarean Birth Stories

Birth Stories

Congratulations to you strong mamas and papas. Both moms and dads are allowed to share their birth stories

Please add your birth story in the comments below.

This thread is for birth announcements for members of the January 2023 Cesarean Birth Stories. Kindly go to other sections for other kind of births. 

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Baby's Name: 


Date of Birth: 

Birth Location

Original Due Date: 

Weeks Pregnant: 

Baby's Weight: 

Baby's Length: 

Birth Story or link to Birth Story Post:

Your Screen name:  ifyonline

EDD: Jan 5

Delivery Day: Jan 2.


Got married Jan, shortly after that we moved to a new country. We had planned to wait until one year or atleast we are settled(getting good job in this new country) .

We hardly have sex, like if we do we were extremely careful. Not until I had a dream, where I had a son that looks so much like hubby woke up, I was just confused, told hubby he just laughed and said maybe it's time. I refuted .

Before then, my mum and MIL when we told them about plans to wait until we fully settled here, they will vehemently disagree that it doesn't work like that, that we don't need to wait.

We didnt even know how it happened, after i had that dream. We went to register to get a family Doctor. We have been procastinating doing that, so its the norm here, when you reg for a fam dr, he or she will refer you to do a complete and total check, this is to have ur history reg online just incase of emergency. The Dr was suppose to refer me for Pap smear , Cervical screening and asked if I was pregnant, i said No. She asked when last i saw my period and when i was expecting it.. It was delayed by 2 days, she didnt want to take chances, she immediately sent me to their lab for a pregnancy test. Result came out positive, I and hubby laughed and was even surprised.That is how the visir changed mini pre natal class. My screening will be after my delivery whilst hubby was referred for his, they did ECG, checked his bladder, blood work etc. Dr sent me for pregancy blood work, she prescribed prenatal vitamins for me to start taking asap.


Now the Journey begins:


First Trimester:

My first trimester symptoms wasn't that bad, felt weak, I was nauseous, vomited like thrice throughout this stage and this was because of drinking water after meals.

I used 7up and iced water to reduce my nauseous and to get strength. I stayed off the kitchen,hubby was the one doing the cooking. My colleague at work, she will always make sure she brings me fruits, yogurt and lunch daily.


Second Trimester


Lounging period, I almost forgot I was pregnant except for towards the ending that I started having pelvic pains, to turn when on bed was war.

At 20 weeks, I couldn't sleep for 2 nights, i had serious abdominal pain hubby rushed me to the hospital on the second day at 1am, was checked at the hosp and was told it ligament something can't remember and said it's the uterus expending that there is nothing they can do. DR recommended I get a pregnancy support belt and take tylenol,told me to go home that i was fine.


Third Trimester[/i]

Came with lil first semester packaged. Backpains, waist pain, heartburn. When I seat for long to stand up war. My body started repelling sugary food, once I take anything that has sugar in it.

Immediately I will be so weak and tired, won't get myself until I vomit.Happened severally so I totally escaped breakfast. I eat my first food at 2pm especially because I was working from home and incase I start feeling weak, will just go lie down.

On my 36weeks hosp visits, they checked baby and noticed baby was breeched, they checked his weight and water level in the uterus and referred me for a Version(To try turn baby Manually) they told me it was a 50/50 thing, and emergency can occur that I should be prepared incase my baby will come out and if it wasn't successful i had the option of giving birth through VD as well and that there is a special hosp for it, they were trained on Breech delivery or CS that i will discuss with the OB on those options and choose a date for CS if applicable. I was scared and not mentally prepared for any other pain asides delivery. Made my findings about the Version,I asked a community support fbk group and majority advised its a 50/50 thing that they will opt for CS. My MIL who is a midwife told me not to fo for it. On the day for Version, called the hosp and canceled my appointment that I was going to wait and see if baby will turn otherwise will go for CS.

The hosp said they were going to book another app for me to discuss with the surgeon about the CS, that they usually would do elective like 10 days before EDD.

I went on youtube to watch exercises on turning breech babies, saw couple of exercises. Tried one and after my second day, i noticed my babies position turned a little. His head that was up went slant. I was happy thinking by next day he would have turned.. Akuko.

Saw the OBS that would perform the surgery,he checked baby, he was stil breeched, and said if i had tried the Version it wont have worked as i didnt have enough fluid for baby to turn that my decisiona was perfect na so me and hubby look ourselves.He explained the whole process to me, and after care as well. After his explaination,he asked if we had any question. We asked him and by the time we were done, i was ready self for the CS. Like he made it seem so easy. He asked his nurse to book me for the CS, and the hosp was completely booked until 6 Jan. He told them to call dem for an earlier date. The nurse did and the earliest we got was 2 jan. I wasnt happy o, my tired was tired already and was scared not to even go into labour self till then. So i was extremely careful, wasnt doing much other than resting.


[b]Delivery Day:

[/b]The day came, we were asked to come around 6.30 am. That night I could hardly sleep, I shall work up 3am, said my divine mercy,rosary and prayed seriously. By the time we were done with prayers it was 5am, we did final packing, had my bath, set out for the hosp. 6.43am we were at the hosp, gave I and hubby tags on our had. The first nurse came, checked my weight,height and BP. Another nurse came, took us in, said dey were going to monitor baby heartbeat for about an hour while dey were preparing the theatre, dey also were monitoring If I will go into labour. Put the UV on me, anesthetics nurse came, introduced herself to us, told us what she was going to do, the OB came also introduced herself and the people that will be in the room and their duties. Shortly after that, I was wheeled into the theatre, omo immediately, my heart started beating, I was happy that finally that pregancy journey will end and will meet my lil man and was scared as I have never done CS before don't know wat I ll face. Called my mum and MIL, dey prayed for me I was calm. The anesthetic nurse gave me the spinal,I didn't feel any pain from hers just shock and she was carrying me along of what I will be feeling before she does anything so I was kind of aware. She laid me down, omo I couldn't move my legs, it was like my legs wasn't part of my body. I was shouting and asking where are my legs can't feel them. They said it was normal, I should try to lift my legs, I said I can't. They told hubby to come and keep me company to distract me. Hubby came started gusting with me, we were watching funny videos on YouTube. The anathestics nurse was also gisting with us and giving us update. Baby came out shortly,heard his cry and I was shown my baby, immediately i felt cold shivers and tears of Joy. They took him to clean him up, came back with him and put him on me. Before giving my hubby to hold him. Not up to 20mins they were done and pushed me to post recovery room.

We were discharged on the second day.


Fourth Trimester[/i]:

Has been awesome, thanks to hubby. He has been very helpful, even my baby aswell only wakes up when he his hungry,after feeding him he goes to sleep. Just that he his clingy,most times he likes been carried. So I just lay him on me, or put him in between i and hubby so we can sleep