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January 2023 Birth Stories

Birth Stories

Congratulations to you strong mamas and papas. Both moms and dads are allowed to share their birth stories

Please add your birth story in the comments below.

This thread is for birth announcements for members of the January 2023 Vaginal Birth Stories. Kindly go to other sections for other kind of births. 

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ONLY the parents of the babies are allowed to post their birth stories. (If you want, admin can post for you, with permission from you (the parent) kindly contact us)

Below is a guideline, you don't have to fill all the pointers. Feel free to share as much, or as little of your birth story as you would like. Also, feel free to post pictures, including angel babies. Please remember that this is a public group so anyone can see information and pictures you've shared; crop out names or information from photos accordingly.

Your Screen name: 

Baby's Name: 


Date of Birth: 

Birth Location

Original Due Date: 

Weeks Pregnant: 

Baby's Weight: 

Baby's Length: 

Birth Story or link to Birth Story Post:

Your Screen name: AUNTYLLA

Weeks Pregnant: 36 weeks

Baby's Weight: 3.3KG

I never expected to be pregnant because I was breastfeeding a seven months old baby,I was very sad when I discovered I was pregnant in may,why because I was pitying my small baby then,I informed my husband but he was very happy,I also informed my mum and she advised I keep it.that was how the journey started, first trimester was so friendly, second trimester was a bid hard, because I started bleeding at 4months,I thought I will loose the pregnancy because the bleeding was much,I rushed to the hospital and I meet a doctor and I was given some medication and was send for a scan which came out normal, but was advised to go on bed rest, which I did and everything went back normal.3rd trimester was a bid difficult compared to my previous pregnancy, from one problem to the other, back pain, loss of appetite, lower abdomen pain body pain and many more.When I entered 34weeks I had to seek for maternity leave and was permitted because I was already tired then.when I reached 36weeks in the evening I started having like menstrual pain, which are off and on,so I cooked, washed and sweep the house,so the pain was becoming serious, when husband came back I informed him and he said let's rushed to the hospital which I said no, because I don't want to go and be send back home again.i told him let me be checked if it is really labor by a nurse in my area,she checked and said it was really labor but I was 3cm and she advised I should not go to the hospital now but later , when it was around 11pm I told my husband we should go,on reaching the hospital we meet one nurse and there was no doctor yet,she was asking me of the signs that made me to think I was in labor,I explain to her and I insisted her checking me, which she did and was told I was 4cm despite the exercises I did.i was told to go back and come back later, when the contraction becomes strong, when I came back home,I continue my exercise and the pain stopped.but I continue.around 11 am in the morning I told my husband let's go back and see a doctor because everything stopped even the pain,so I meet the doctor and narrated everything to him,and he was telling me some story that since I have given birth before my cervix will not close completely that I am not in labor,I insisted to be checked which a nurse did and I was told I am in labor already,so I was told to bring everything in to the delivery room,I was put on a drip,and the nurse broke my water,and that was when the struggle started,and before you know not less than 20 minutes my baby boy came out weighing 3.3kg with tears.the baby was cleaned and dress up and I was stitched up.and I was dismissed with in an hour, recovery was not easy because I struggled with stomach ache seriously but alhamdulillahi I am ok now,but baby is not sleeping in the night which is not easy at all.. but thank God everything is normal now.please pardon my typing errors and mistake.i wish my remaining January teammates a very safe labor and Gods protection.thank you all

Your Screen name: Bobbyunitedfc(m

Birth Date; 4th of January

Baby weight ; 4.2 KG

Weeks Pregnant: 39 weeks

Let me start with a little bit of history..

January 02 2022,was a very difficult time for my family, we had a miscarriage at 6wks and had to evacuate, it was a very painful experience for us, we spent days crying, but I found help here, met a friend whose wife went through the same process, Mr Idowu if u can see this May God bless you big.


January 2 2023,i posted here about my wife already at 39 weeks but no sign of labor, so I did what was suggested here, a lot of squatting, exercising and walking around, I got her zobo with pineapple juice as well..


January 3 I went to work and got a call from wifey the mucus thing is out, by the time they got to the hospital around 5pm wifey was already 3cm gone, by 11pm nurse said 8,i was already getting agitated seeing her having serious contractions, the pain was too much I started to cry, yes men do cry.


I was sent out of the labor room cause my wife was even more calm than I was, lol I even told her we won't have sex again so she won't have to go through this pain, stood by the door with my MIL . We started singing praises and worshiping God, by 1am on the 4th of January, my Lil one came out with a loud voice crying and singing Hosanna lol..


I jumped for joy and hugged my MIl and any nurses I could find in the hallway, then I remembered I haven't heard my wife's screaming o, I banged on the door and requested to see her, to God be the glory wfey was fine she was just resting and getting stitches after pushing out our starboy weighing 4.2kg..

God did it..

The same God is alive today, to give everyone here their heart desires..

God bless us all..


Sorry for the long gist o..

One funny thing about this journey, I insisted on having scan on my wife every two weeks just to hear my baby's heart beat.. Lol

Your Screen name:  Goldie50

Sex: Boy

Weeks Pregnant:  over due

Baby's Weight: 3.8kg.


Birth Story or link to Birth Story Post:

When my daughter was 9 months old, a female relative started mounting pressure on me to have another baby. She was scaring me with menopause. I allowed myself to be pressured and got pregnant.

Pregnancy with a baby is not fun at all. With a toddler, it's more difficult. However, God had mercy on me and helped me.

First trimester was full of nausea and vomiting. And a deep hatred for my meals. If I must eat, it must be made by someone else. I visited almost all the restaurants in my town. For the nausea, I tried many things until I found one that saved me - menthol chewing gum. I chewed this gum day and night. It was a blessing from God Himself. Followed by spicy abacha.

Second trimester brought huge relief. I used to forget that I'm even pregnant until the baby kicks. I started eating my food. Infact, if I don't make the food myself, I won't enjoy it. It was the opposite of first trimester. The pregnancy was a smooth one. No complications.

Third trimester came with aches and pains. To turn on the bed was war. My pelvic was on fire. And there was serious leg cramps. I was trusting God for quick delivery cos of the pains. But, my EDD came and there was no show. Doctor said she would give me the grace of only one week before induction. Me sef I wanted the induction ASAP. . One week came and still met me pregnant. Chai!

On induction day, hubby and I left in the morning. Doctor started with mitsoprotol tablets. It was inserted into my vagina and my mouth. Contractions started in an hour time and water broke too. But, it was very slow. By 3pm, doctor shifted to oxytocin injection. It was too painful. I was screaming and holding on to the bed handles. We continued with it until 7pm. Around this time, I started feeling the urge to push. The nurses were begging me not to push in order to avoid cervical tear. But I remember my English . "Nurse I'm not the one pushing o. It is pushing me." .

The nurses finally saw the head of the baby and realized that I'm saying the truth. I wasn't pushing on my own accord. It was the push that was pushing me .

They  asked me to hold my legs and push. I pushed two to three times and my son popped out on the bed. He looked so big. Weighing 3.8kg. They cleaned him up with olive oil. Hubby was then allowed to come in. We were discharged the next morning to the glory of God.

Mother, father, big sister and baby are all doing well.

This is me hanging my boot till 2025.

Nobody can pressure me again . I don suffer.

Baby dust to GTC moms. God has commanded us to be fruitful. Hold on to Him! His word never fails.

Safe and quick delivery to all belleful moms.

Your Screen name; kunmisola(f)

Birth Story



After I had my first baby in December 2020, I did implanon family planning because I have a plan of having the next baby after 4 years. As soon as my baby clocked 1, pressure started coming right, left and center that I had to remove the implant when my baby was 1 year 6 months thinking that before she clocked two or even two I will get pregnant. Lo and behold, pregnancy entered the next month.


First trimester

My first trimester was filled with lots and lots of drama ranging from fainting, to metallic taste, headache, incessant eating and headache. My husband tried to persuade me to resign and take care of my health but na boredom go kill me o, I resisted and continue and God so good, blessed me with understanding boss and colleagues who are ready to fill in for me anytime I can't make it to work.


Second trimester

Headache and fainting spell stopped and edema started but I still managed to go to work and do house chores that I can do when my health permitted. My boss even moved me to another department and decrease my workload, God bless her for me.


Third trimester


Edema dealt with me severely but I still managed to go to work with slippers ooo and when I entered 28 weeks back pain and tightening of the lower tummy joined my ministry with sciatica. I almost gave up o but I kept on pushing knowing someday I will deliver my baby.

I kept on managing the back pains like that until last night when I noticed water trickling down my thighs till I noticed an outpour of water running down and soaking my clothes.



I woke up my husband and told him to let's start going to the hospital. On getting to the hospital, I was checked and was that contractions has started. That was around past 11pm at night. By 1a.m, I noticed the intensity is getting more closer, and the nurses encouraged me to practice my breathing exercises. Some minutes to 4, the intensity becomes more serious and less time in between, the matron decided to check me and she realized that the baby is crowning already. I delivered him at 4:10am this morning and placenta followed immediately. The baby and I was cleaned to God be the glory, I had no tears or any complications. I was discharged by 12 noon.


I pray for all women looking for the fruit of the womb that this time next year, it will be you and your babies. To all pregnant mothers, your day of joy too shall come.

I hereby throw my boot into the lake of fire.