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I have an unsupportive husband who is total rubbish after I gave birth

My partner has become distant and unsupportive since our baby was born. He doesn't help with the baby, he's always complaining about how tired he is, and he seems more interested in spending time with his friends than with me and our child. I'm feeling overwhelmed and resentful. What should I do?


This is a common problem that many new mothers face. The demands of caring for a newborn can be overwhelming, and it's easy to feel like your partner isn't pulling their weight. If you're feeling like your partner is being unsupportive, here are a few things you can do:

  • Talk to your partner about how you're feeling. Be open and honest about your needs, and let him know how his behavior is making you feel.
  • Set clear expectations for how you'd like him to help with the baby. This might include things like changing diapers, feeding the baby, bathing the baby, or taking the baby for a walk.
  • Take some time for yourself. This is important for your physical and mental health. If you can, try to get a few hours of sleep each night, eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly.
  • Seek professional help if you need it. A therapist can help you cope with the stress of being a new mother and teach you communication skills to help you talk to your partner about your needs.

It's important to remember that your partner may not be intentionally trying to be unsupportive. He may just be overwhelmed by the new responsibilities of parenthood. Be patient and understanding, and try to work together as a team to get through this difficult time.

Toke Koni has reacted to this post.
Toke Koni

I am so sorry about what you are going through @toke .

To add to what Admin has suggested;

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help from other sources. This could include family and friends, a therapist, or a postpartum support group. If you have the money should get a maid . I feel especially we African women, we don't have enough plans for postpartum help.
Toke Koni has reacted to this post.
Toke Koni

Thank you all, I truly appreciate this.