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How to use the Flower of Maryam / Fatima's Finger for labor

Fatima finger or maryam flower (English)
Ekanna Fatima (Yoruba)
Sajratul maryam (Arabic)
Hannun Fatima (Hausa)

All the above names are talking about the barb in the photo. The very name of this flower - maryam has religious significance. It is referred to as the "leaf of Maryam" (mother of Jesus), the "hand of Fatima" (daughter of the Prophet (SAW) as well as simply 'daughter of the Prophet (SAW) and "resurrection plant.' It is refereed in the Bible in II Kings 19:34-36 and in Psalms 83:13, "make them like tumbleweed." .

It is a small dry twiggy rosette collected from the middle East countries, it has some flowers in it. Fatima finger as popularly called is effective for pregnant women to ease the pain of labour and aid contraction. It is advisable to start using it when you are close to delivery maybe from eight months or preferably during your EDD weeks. Some people claim to start using it from the early stages of pregnancy. This is, however, not advisable as the herb aids contraction and could force the baby out prematurely, and also could put your life at risk. Therefore, it is advisable to use when you are close to delivery or in labour.


  • Soak Fatima finger in water in water preferably zamzam
  • But in the absence of zamzam, soak in clean room temperature water or lukewarm water,
  • The plant starts to blossom after some time which according to belief, delivery will be smooth and safe.

The flower contains a number of elements -  calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and iron. In particular, calcium and magnesium work together to coordinate and regulate smooth muscle contractions. The soaked water can be drunk. The plant can be stored and re-used many times over. 

Fatima finger is also used to strengthen the womb good for conception. As a medicinal preparation, it is reconstituted in water and taken internally for colds, as an emmenagogue (herbs generally meant to bring on period/ menstruation), for epilepsy, uterine hemorrhage, and to bring pain relief and support for childbirth. 

In some places, it is made into a powder - mixed with olive oil and honey, and as a liquid from fresh leaves - is used as a treatment for conjunctivitis and other problems of the eye. It is also used medicinally in countries where it does not grow; in Malaysia, it is commonly used for childbirth, where many women purchase herbal preparations directly from the traditional midwives.

Toke Koni has reacted to this post.
Toke Koni

This is so Informative and mind blowing.