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How Do I Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding A 1 Year Old?

Yes, I want to stop breastfeeding but baby refuses to stop .She is eating a bit of solids but major feed is breast milk day and night. I want to have another baby but it is not happening and I think it is because I am breastfeeding.

I know people have been lucky getting pregnant while breastfeeding, but has anyone who had no luck tried anything extraordinary to get pregnant while breastfeeding ?

You should stop breastfeeding the child if you want to get pregnant for sure.

With mixed feeding, chances of contraception from lactational amenorrhea is reduced but your best bet is to discontinue breastfeeding asap. If you have to travel and leave baby alone for two days, then do it. She on her own will reject breast milk afterwards.

Problem solved.

I wish you baby number 2 asap.

Just make up your mind and stop breast feeding that's the only solution

Then keep lots of goodies and provision incase she needs food at midnight

Then start wearing bra 24hrs once the fluid does not get sucked, it will withdraw but you may experience slight pains because of the withdrawal

Quote from Afribirther on October 16, 2023, 9:46 pm

You should stop breastfeeding the child if you want to get pregnant for sure.

With mixed feeding, chances of contraception from lactational amenorrhea is reduced but your best bet is to discontinue breastfeeding asap. If you have to travel and leave baby alone for two days, then do it. She on her own will reject breast milk afterwards.

Problem solved.

I wish you baby number 2 asap.

Thank you. Will give it a little more time ,if it doesn't happen will have to do that.


You are welcome.