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Fee waiver for visa & citizenship application for Nigerians and Africans in Uk

Did you know you can apply for a fee waiver if you are struggling financially and living in the UK with you and family. It is best to apply about 1 month before your visa expires but start to prepare all documents way before then.

A fee waiver for visa and citizenship applications is a provision that allows certain individuals to request exemption from the standard application fees due to financial hardship or specific qualifying circumstances. Governments often implement fee waiver programs to ensure that economic constraints do not unduly restrict access to immigration processes.

### Eligibility Criteria:

1. **Financial Hardship:**
- Individuals facing financial difficulties may be eligible for a fee waiver. This could include applicants with low income, unemployed individuals, or those experiencing sudden financial setbacks.

2. **Humanitarian Grounds:**
- Applicants seeking refuge or asylum due to persecution or conflict may qualify for fee waivers based on humanitarian grounds.

3. **Victims of Trafficking or Crime:**
- Victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, or other crimes may be eligible for fee waivers, recognizing the unique challenges they face.

4. **Special Visa Categories:**
- Some visa categories, such as visas for victims of certain crimes (U visas in the United States), may automatically come with fee waivers.

### Application Process:

1. **Documentation:**
- Applicants typically need to provide documentation demonstrating their financial situation or the qualifying circumstances. This may include proof of income, unemployment status, or affidavits detailing specific hardships.

2. **Completed Fee Waiver Form:**
- Governments often require applicants to submit a specific fee waiver form along with their visa or citizenship application. This form will include questions about financial status and reasons for requesting a fee waiver.

3. **Upload Documents online**
- In all cases,you are required to upload all necessary documents for reviews to assess the validity of the fee waiver request. This process ensures that the waivers are granted to those who genuinely need financial assistance.

4. **Notification of Approval or Denial:**
- Applicants will receive a notification indicating whether their fee waiver request has been approved or denied. If approved, they can proceed with their visa or citizenship application without paying the standard fees.

### Importance:

1. **Access to Immigration Opportunities:**
- Fee waivers promote inclusivity by allowing individuals from diverse economic backgrounds to access immigration opportunities. This is especially important for those seeking refuge or a better life in a new country.

2. **Humanitarian Considerations:**
- Recognizing and addressing the financial challenges faced by vulnerable individuals aligns with humanitarian principles, ensuring that those in need are not excluded from the immigration process.

3. **Legal and Ethical Obligations:**
- Many countries recognize the importance of providing avenues for legal immigration and may have legal or ethical obligations to consider the unique circumstances of applicants.

 Individuals seeking a fee waiver should carefully review the requirements set by the relevant immigration authorities and provide accurate and complete information to support their request.


I am a Nigerian living in the UK from 2004, I came here as a student with the help of my parent. When I finished my education in 2008, I got a 2 years post study work visa. During that time, I couldn't secure a job and didn't know what to do next. Every visit to a lawyer cost me money with no success. In between I started having kids with my partner and life was not easy at all. By 2019, we became totally homeless and I just knew this wasn't right. We were not entitled to any help from the government, my kids included.

Why homeless, I reached out to a charity and explained my situation. They told me to declare to the council that I was homeless. But we had moved from London to Manchester just to see if we could live a cheaper. Manchester council said we were not their responsibility as we just moved here and told us to contact the London council. London Council referred us back to Manchester council, stating it is the responsibility of Manchester council since we are physically there.

That was how the journey began. We were able to secure an accommodation for a family of 4 in 1 room with shared toilet ,kitchen no living room for £400 a month (I know it is ridiculous). The council told us, since we have a tenancy agreement then we are technically not homeless and we have no visa status so The Children Act 1989 does not apply to us. The charity had to hire a law firm to threaten the council. That was when the council decided to act buy giving a family of 4 £34 per week. They were so difficult to work with, they advised we walk to school which was about 4 miles away. We tried it for 2 days and we suffered a lot, the kids were crying. It was winter, we had no jackets and cars were splashing water on us. It was a terrible experience. We kept updating the charity and they kept on fighting the council for us.

Meanwhile, one of our kids was already 9 years old and was born here. The charity told us to apply for a fee waiver, we had to get all the documents required. Most of our documents were in the storage, so we were travelling back and forth. As the wife, I took charge of the situation cos my husband was not supportive at the beginning. He does that a lot, but I was focused and delegated the task of him travelling to get the documents. We put in the fee waiver application in December 2019 and got  a reply in February 2020. We got our 2.5 years visa with RECOURSE TO PUBLIC FUNDS in March 2020 right in the middle of Lock down and that changed our lives.

Right now in 2023, the 2 kids are now British citizens, the second child I used a fee waiver for his British citizenship application. We also used fee waiver to get our visa renewed for another 2.5 years.

If you are woman reading this, please(Abeg) don't leave things for your husband if he is not interested in taking the lead. Take the lead and delegate if he wants to help. I think men taking the lead is not a general rule in all marriage.  Also some men don't have a mind of their own like some women, they ask for other peoples opinion rather than work with their partners.

So "Admin" you are right Nigerians and Africans can apply for a fee waiver for their Applications in the UK.