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Feb 2024 Birth Stories

by Yewandequeen(f)

Scan EDD:Feb 18th,weight 4.3kg

God's time: Feb 2nd and birth weight 3.9kg
Modified :
This is going to be lengthy...I dont even know where to start from self.
I am using a state hospital and based on recent strike issues, hubby and i decided that I would go to private to avoid stories that touch. Against my appointment date which was 5th, I went to do the tests I am to submit and also use the opportunity to check out the private hospital I intend to switch to. So on Friday 2nd after I finished the tests(scan, Pcv, urinalysis) before heading to the private hospital. Thank God I am learned and know couple of stuff. The scan I did that morning was conducted by a white man, it's meant to be my last scan. All appeared to be normal but then I saw the recorded heart beat on the report given me was 164bpm Hmmm this to me is quite high for the baby at this stage. So after I left the diagnostic something struck my mind to branch the state hospital (it's same street) and see doc. I was hesitant at first that I would wait till Monday for my appointment day, then my mind told me but hospital is just adjacent na, enter and recheck the heart beat.

So i eventually went in,met with the docs and asked they use doppler to help recheck my baby heart beat. They said why? and I told them my scan showed 164bpm and I know thats not normal. One of them asked me to bring out the scan result, I did and they all screamed that madam you are having your baby today and now because he is distressed and even too big for first timer( measuring 4.3kg). The hospital only allow 3.8kg max weight for first timer.
I was shocked that hanhan baby today how? Just check the heart beat for me na and let me go. They refused and asked I go get my file from the office so they can admit me. I was shocked, sad, disturbed, unprepared to say but tried to stay calm to avoid high BP. It was around 1:30pm and the docs told me to decide before 2pm otherwise I am on my own and they will refer me to UCH to go have my vagina delivery since that's what I wanted.
The pressure from the docs was so much that I could barely think. I called my husband to update him, meanwhile the docs were shouting behind me that they told me something and I am still making call... Yelled back at them to calm down, this is so sudden and fast, I just came to check heart beat and you told me something else entirely that I am not prepared for and you want me to enter theater like that without telling my husband? Hubby asked if I wanted the operation in the state hospital and I was like seems there is no time anymore for the private considering situation of things. So I told him to bring baby things.. Lol which of course wasnt complete self cos I was to do final shopping this week.

I went with them to the labour room to be prepared for threater. There they then used the doppler to check for heart beat Hmmm non found, they used the plastic one they put hear on still no heart beat found but in all I tried to stay calm and kept telling myself my baby is fine and my journey or 9months won't be in vain. They kept trying but no heart beat found. Eventually the doc tried one last time and he said it was faint and they need to get the baby out in less than 15mins. My heart sank, I was just like how is all this happening so fast. The docs and nurses were all scared that things could Go south. They told me to keep praying. That it's not their fault oo, I was the one that delayed too much that I was making call...

After they finished prepping me, i was wheeled to the theater and Anasthetic injected into my spine was cut open and blood everywhere only to hear doctor screamed ah it's placenta previa(when placenta is blocking the cervix) . How come?! All my scan from day one till 9months were anterior placenta(front placenta) even the one conducted that morning by the white man was anterior. This really came as a shock. In like 5mins the baby was brought out and immediately he was pulled out he cried even without beating, tear rolled down my eyes. The docs and nurses were so happy he was fine and alive.
Honestly, anytime we feel something isn't right we should take action. Who would have thought placenta was previa? What if I didn't branch hospital that Friday And that's very dangerous if I had refused the cs and went home instead. Anyone with placenta previa is never meant to fall into labor, it's very dangerous to baby and the mother, as the mother can bleed to death. All in all it ended in praise