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August 2023 Vaginal Birth Stories

Birth Stories

Congratulations to you strong mamas and papas. Both moms and dads are allowed to share their birth stories

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This thread is for birth stories for members of the August 2023 Vaginal Birth Stories. Kindly go to other sections for other types of births. 

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Scrren name; Mzleemah(f

I climbed the labour bed 4.00am and gave birth 4.20am


At 38weeks I was already tired and anxious, 39 weeks came I was having mild on and off contractions I went for antenatal clinic on 16th of August I told the doctor about the contractions, he said congratulations in advance you will soon come back, he asked if I will like to go to the labour ward to get checked, I declined and he said once I noticed it's getting stronger I should head to the hospital.

Fast forward to Thursday night I made dinner and drank plenty ewedu and slept, around 12.00am I just started feeling uncomfortable, around 12.35 am the contractions started but was very bearable so I woke my hubby to make warm water for me to drink. The contractions were coming but not too painful. Around 2.30am Hubby adviced we go to the hospital but I declined saying they will just be checking me, around past 3.00am I timed the contractions it was coming 3-5minutes apart and I was having the urge to vomit. I told my husband to make arrangement on how we will get to the hospital because we are not mobile, everyone we called were not available, we later got someone. I got to the labour ward the doctor asked of my complain I said I am having contractions, he said it doesn't look like you having one, I called his name that he was the one that attended to me on Wednesday and told me I will soon be back just as we were talking another contraction hit me and he told me to go to labour room to get checked that was 4.00am. He checked and said wow I asked him how many cm dilated . He said I was 6-7cm and the baby head has descended. He wrote some things for hubby to get and ruptured the membrane. Called the matron to come check me, I told her I have the urge to poo and she said wow that seems very fast that I should do my thing. Immediately after dropping it she checked me and said I should push at the next contractions. The doctor held my hand to set line for me contraction came I grabbed his hand and pushed out my baby boy. Baby had cord round his neck and the matron was very proactive in removing it. The doc set the line and matron delivered the placenta and cleaned up baby. Baby weighed 2.7kg I had a little tear that requires just two stitches. A drug was placed under my tongue and the shivering started, I have never felt that type of cold in my life, I was told it's the side effect of the drug. Hubby covered me up with 2 wrappers and after some minutes I felt better and moved to ward with baby..

It ended in praise, I wish the remaining preggy mama safe and swift delivery.

Screen name; Redrosely(f)

Birth Date; 25th August.

Well this was my fourth missionary journey and I was so excited about it cos my kids kept asking for a baby always. My Edd happened to be on the 31st, but contractions started on the 24th evening on and off. I managed to prepare dinner and took some pictures cos I was supposed to take my pregnancy pictures on the 25th August.

Once again my BS will come in bits cos my phone is kinda faulty Biko...

So back to the main jist, after taking few snap shot and changing clothes, hair earrings and makeup amid contractions, along the line hubby taught I was faking it and pulling his legs sef, naso guy man ignore me go mount his laptop. On the other hand,I and my neighbor still the take pictures with our phones as my baby no gree wait to enter studio for my arranged photoshoot the next day. E pain me Sha, but I no fit question God oh. Well as at 9pm, I told hubby we should head to the hospital as my house is a bit far from the hospital... I didn't want history to repeat itself again, as I had my 3rd baby in the car on my way to the hospital, na only placenta hospital deliver that year... Well that's story for another day.

Reaching the hospital at about 10:25pm,I was checked and told I was 5cm dilated, naso I run from labor room go meet my hubby for car oh, cos I can't comma keep my vj for any how checking checking Biko... That shit hurts like hell. I and hubby kept jisting, and strolling round the hospital to fasten the whole process, and ease my fear and pain, cos I could swear that the enemy was around that very day... pardon me to say so mothers, else how do we explain that 3 babies,all boys died that very day in their mothers womb and these women went through CS to have them.Infact at a point my hubby started trembling out of fear and confusion,cos the nurses were delivery these little angels to their dads in closed cartons rather than shawls. Hmmm, my eyes see something that night. All these were happening around midnight oh.

Last last after I and hubby don pray finish, I say make I gather my sef peep labor room to check wats up, cos I was feeling contractions back to back. I enter labor room around 1:56am, I was time conscious cos there was a big wall clock in the labor I enter naso the nurses and doctors catch me oh,it turned out that they av been searching for me ever since. Ah, me that fear is catching. As I climbed the bed to be checked again to know how far I av gone, I lost my mucus plug, followed by my water, before the nurse would insert her hand...My water breaking and all that distracted them, cos the were trying to clean the mess up and change the under pad and every, I wanted to seize the opportunity to escape again in the name of I was thirsty and needed water. But them no gree oh, they rather called my hubby to go get water for me.Ah, I knew it was finished...

Contractions kept coming and I felt the urge to poo at 2:18am, the nurses encouraged me to poo at the next contractions, I did oh, whole heartedly and the cleaned the mess. God bless the doctors and nurses world a point I begged the nurses to induce me, they made me promise not to tell the doctor if they indulge me, and I crossed my heart to keep the secret. As soon as they got the chance, gbam... the injected something into my drip, before I could say Jack, I felt the baby head crowning, one of the nurses called the doctor's attention, they instructed me to stop after my baby's head popped out and push at the next contraction, I did just that and my baby's cry filled the Labor room at exactly 2:30am. He was placed on me for a few seconds before he was taken to be cleaned, then the were trying to deliver the placenta... That was where the devil raised his ugly head, the nurse was not patient enough,at a point I felt her pull the placenta cos I felt a sharp pain inside, I felt it was over. I was given hot water to shower, while my baby was taken to hubby to see. After taking my bath, I was asked to drink hot tea. Naso I run go outside labor room follow my hubby go car to drink tea and gist too. Was sooo happy and gisting away when I noticed blood driping down my legs. Hmmm... I rushed back to change my pad, full again, I quickly carried my baby to breast feed to know if that would trigger contractions of my uterus. For where? B4 I could say anything, the chair I sat on to breast feed was soaked completely in bright red blood, Ah I stood up to call the doctors attention, she came and collected my baby, and asked me to remove my pants to be examined, as soon as I did, hmmmmm see big big blood clots falling out from me, fear catch me I swear.

Continuation of my BS

I bled heavily, while the doctors were trying to arrest the situation,my hubby was asked to go buy an injection to stop the bleeding cos the hospital pharmacy was out of stock of the said drug, of which he was able to get at about 6am, since I gave birth in the early hours of the day, thus pharmacy's around the hospital didn't operate a 24hours shift. To cut the long story short... After the drug was administered, the bleeding stopped, but then, the doctors requested for my PCV to know my blood level,and another test to know my blood group for possible blood transfusion if need be.

Last last, I was discharged with a PCV of 30% after much observation of about 2days. To the Glory of God both mother, baby,elder siblings and Daddy are all doing fine. There was no loss. BS submitted.