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August 2023 Cesarean Birth Stories

Birth Stories

Congratulations to you strong mamas and papas. Both moms and dads are allowed to share their birth stories

Please add your birth story in the comments below.

This thread is for birth announcements for members of the August 2023 Cesarean Birth Stories. Kindly go to other sections for other kind of births. 

We know you may want to send congratulations or sympathy to other members as they share their stories! To keep this thread easy to read, here are three ways you can do that without commenting here:

  1. You can like the Birth Story
  2. You are more than welcome to start a post of your own to share your birth story and link it in the comment
  3. You can also send a private message to the member who posted the Birth Story

ONLY the parents of the babies are allowed to post their birth stories. (If you want, admin can post for you, with permission from you (the parent) kindly contact us)

Below is a guideline, you don't have to fill all the pointers. Feel free to share as much, or as little of your birth story as you would like. Also, feel free to post pictures, including angel babies. Please remember that this is a public group so anyone can see information and pictures you've shared; crop out names or information from photos accordingly.

Your Screen name: 

Baby's Name: 


Date of Birth: 

Birth Location

Original Due Date: 

Weeks Pregnant: 

Baby's Weight: 

Baby's Length: 

Birth Story or link to Birth Story Post:

Screen name; Missfree:

she weighed 2.95 at birth

Birth story

I found out i was pregnant around November when i missed my period. Was so worried because my first child is just 17 months. I told hubby i was going to abort it. On getting to a pharmacy they told me they don’t do something like that i had to go to a chemist and he told me i will use 6 drugs at once and it will be at night. The total number of drugs makes me scared and it will be at night too. What if i bleed i just accept my fate and keep the pregnancy. First trimester was stressful always vomiting lack of appetite. Second trimester was a little easy no stress but at third trimester my bp begin to shoot high. At 37 weeks i went to hospital and i thought i will be booked for cs but i was told to come back the following week. On getting home i was preparing vegetables that was when the show begin. I finished up and went to the hospital i was checked and was in 4cm the doctor told us we will have the child before morning because i went back to hospital around 10pm around 12 was checked and was already at 6cm. That was how i was stocked on 6cm till the following day. Around 7am on Tuesday contraction was so much that i begin to feel so much pain. I have never in my life felt that pain My tommy was tight in a machine to monitor baby heart beat . When the pain was unbearable and contractions is not progressing They had to do emergency Cs for me. And it was a double pain labor pain and cs pain Myself and baby are fine she weighed 2.95 at birth. Thanks for reading and sorry for the errors when reading