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April 2023 Vaginal Birth Stories

Birth Stories

Congratulations to you strong mamas and papas. Both moms and dads are allowed to share their birth stories

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This thread is for birth stories for members of the April 2023 Vaginal Birth Stories. Kindly go to other sections for other types of births. 

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Screen name; labasulla(f):

Time; 7:31am 

EDD; 5th April

Birth date;4th April

Baby weight; 3.3kg.

Birth Story........

My first pregnancy I was induced at 40weeks. So, I told myself l want to fall into labour with this second pregnancy.

Due date is 5th April, from 2nd April I started eating Pineapple I woke up on 3rd April and I was having little sharp pain not sure it was contraction, I took another Pineapple at night this time I added dates. The moment I finished the Pineapple I ate like 3pcs of dates because I don't really like it. Woke up on 4th April I feel the pain much than that of yesterday. But I stayed calm I was Monitoring but nothing serious.

At 6pm I started counting the contractions to be 2ce in 1hr. 7:30pm went to pee and I saw stain on my pant, I had to deep finger a bit, alas brownish +reddish stuff can't explain it. I think it's a show.

Called my doctor he said why did you deep your finger their haaaa oga no vex ooo. He told me to pack my stuffs and stay with them at the hospital. Hubby was not around I had to tell my sister we should leave early, we left home around 8:39pm got to hospital around 9:45pm due to traffic. On the way the contractions has increased to 5times per hour I said to myself this is labour and i was praying. Got to hospital the doctor was outside he said "are you sure you are in labour with the way you are cat walking." He told the Nurse to check alas I was 4cm dilated.

I took my stuffs in, the Nurse gave me some injections God abeg ooo, the contractions increased couldn't sleep all through the night, 5am she came to check and I am 6cm.....she gave me another injections this time I saw heaven and came back the contractions increased and I was screaming one of the Nurses was praying for me that I will eat the fruit of my labour..I was asking God to forgive me, I held on to my sister hands she was rubbing my back I couldn't feel anything.....this contractions were like 1min apart haaaa

I told them to call the nurses to check she checked I was almost 10cm she said they should wait for like 3more contractions and bring me to the labour room the doctor was saying I'm proud of you, you can do this...I was shouting I want to poo please allow me to poo they said not now. I was wheeled to the labour room this time I'm fully dilated.

Oya push bros no gree come out, push bros is not showing any sign they cut me in 2places, then I pushed my little man came out 7:31am on 4th April weighing 3.3kg.

Screen name: nellyquash(f)

Birth date; 12th April

EED is May 8th, 2023

Baby Gender; Male



Where will I even start from. God really showed me mercy in this journey of 9 months.

Towards the end of August, 2022 I found out I was pregnant. I was very happy because I have been praying to God to bless my womb. Hubby returned and I told him, he was very happy and we did a scan to be very sure. It was confirmed that I was some weeks gone and EED is May 8th, 2023. My birthday month. The joy doubled.

The journey began; fast forward towards the end of first trimester, I woke up one morning and was not able to urinate. Hubby had to rush me to a private hospital in our estate.

I was admitted and was given a catheter to use. Before the incident I had already done a scan which I was told I had fibroid.

I was admitted, the doctor placed me on a series of tests to know what may have seized my urine. All tests came out negative including urinalyses.

After much, the doctor said the only option left is for me to do surgery to remove the fibroid that the fibroid is resting on my bladder and also, the baby will be flushed because it’s a 50-50 thing. I cried, I told hubby I don’t wanna loose my baby. The doctor scheduled us for the operation, I told hubby I’m not doing any surgery. Had to involve my parents, because the doctor was already messing with my hubby’s mind.

My parents invited me to come over to Lagos from PH. I was discharged after 4 days from that private hospital, booked a flight and straight to Lagos. Met with my family doctor, after checking my baby, he said baby is fine that the only solution for now is for me to be on catheter for another 2 months, that once the bump gets bigger, it will push the fibroid away from that position and I will be able to pee on my own.

Another wahala again, I was on catheter and still going to work. I used it for almost a month before God showed me mercy. I was able to pee on my own till I delivered.

Had to register for antenatal and was told I will deliver through CS due to the fibroid position.

Second trimester was smooth with normal orishirishi pains each week.

Third trimester was cool too.

I was planning to take leave at the end of April, but the baby took everyone unawares.

Went to work on 11th April, 12th April was my antenatal, met with my doctor to complain about how I’m feeling, the so-called doctor told me I should go home and take Para that it’s the fibroid pains. Also placed me on a diet and some sugar tests. I left the hospital angrily.

I got home that afternoon and was feeling so sad, moody. I started crying, called hubby to come back home that I’m not feeling okay. That I’m having pains. Hubby came back and took me to the hospital for us to complain about the pains.

A nurse asked me to go straight to the maternity ward, I was checked, behold I was already 7cm dilated. Yesterday my hubby and I had a good sex round sha,lol. I was now thinking if that contributed to me seeing a bloody show.

The dancing and makosa now begun, I got checked around some mins to 9pm, and I delivered my prince 11:30pm. Even though the nurse that took my delivery was very harsh towards me, I believed she deliberately gave me cut self because baby wasn’t big. Before she could sluggishly come to me, I had already pushed and the baby's head was already out.

In all I gave God all the glory. My first fruit wasn’t aborted according to the so-called private hospital I went to initially.

Also, even when the nurses were going through my folder, they were like Madam, are you aware you’re supposed to deliver through CS, even with the pains I told them NO, that my second scan at 28weeks indicated that my passage is free and no fibroid down my cervix.

I just want to say God thank you.

Screen name; Coloredsg(f)


Taiwo weight: 2.2kg 

2 mins later, kehinde weight: 2.2kg.

Birth Date; 19th April

Birth week: 33 weeks

BS! BS!! BS!!!

First trimester

My morning sickness was worse. I vomit almost everyday. I couldn't eat anything cooked by me. The only food I could eat was Akara and Moimoi. Any other food will be accompanied by serious vomiting. I hated anything sugary. Fruits had a weird aftertaste in my mouth so I couldn't take it.

Weakness became a part of me. I started spitting too but bitter cola and chewing gum worked for me.

Second Trimester

Things improved greatly, I had a lot of energy. I could eat food prepared by me and I hated moimoi and Akara that was my favorite in my first trimester.

Mom-in-law sent Agbo Abiwere (herbs for easy delivery) and huntu (my Muslim brethren will understand this).

Third trimester

This trimester was accompanied by back pains, leg pains, feeling heavy and inability to change position while sleeping. The worst of it all was heartburn. I later discovered chewing gum reduces my heartburn. I was also eating for 6 people.

I hated sex while pregnant so I started routine walking and dancing as my exercises. I walk for 25mins every Tues, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday and when I am bored, I play music and shake what my mama gave me.

At 33 weeks, I started noticing my discharge has increased. Doctor told me there was nothing to worry about. He also told me to start getting ready cos twin babies come early.

I started blending Ewedu and drinking.

At 37 weeks, on the 19th of April 7am, I noticed a watery discharge. It was different from the normal discharge and has a different

Different smell. Since we were told during antenatal that we should always come to the hospital to complain if we notice anything different from the usual, I decided to go to the hospital to see a doctor.

I cooked, ate, slept a bit and around 12pm, I carried my handbag and took a bike to the hospital.

I waited for 1 hr before I could see the doctor (it's a general hospital). I complained about the watery discharge and he told me to lie down so he can check something.

I did as instructed and he put his fingers. He gave me a surprise look and told me I was already in labor and that I wasn't having any discharge; it was my water. The shocking part; I was already 8cm dilated but I wasn't feeling any pains. I just felt normal. The nurses too were surprised.

Immediately I was admitted and moved to the maternity ward. I begged them to allow me to go home and carry my hospital bags, the nurses refused and told me I might deliver on the road and it was high risk cos I was carrying twins. I called hubby immediately, he had to rush down to get my things.

Around 4pm, the doctor came to check on me. My vagina was open but the babies were still having fun in my tummy. They were not ready to come out. Maybe they wanted to start school there, I don't know for them.

I still wasn't feeling any pains. Everything was normal. I even sat on the bed and was browsing twitter and Instagram. I was even chatting with my friends on WhatsApp.

Around 6pm, the pains started. Oh Lord, I was trying to be strong but I couldn't hold it anymore. I started crying. The nurses came and told me the babies are getting ready to come and I will be moved to the labor room when it becomes intense.

Around 8pm, I was moved to the labor room. 10mins later, Taiwo came out weighing 2.2kg and crying her eyes out. I felt a bit relieved.

2 mins later, kehinde followed weighing 2.2kg.

The babies were attended to and I was cleaned up.

4th Trimester

We were discharged the next day.

A brief history about my family, most of our babies have jaundice. So once a baby is born, we carry out a test the next day.

Tests were carried out on taiwo and kehinde and it was discovered they had jaundice.

The doctors wanted to admit them, but we refused and took our babies home.

I come from a family that believes in herbs and got married to another family that believes in herbs.

Mother in law was called and informed of the situation, she came and brought unripe pawpaw. Peeled, washed and soaked it for the babies while another herb was prepared for me which was soaked in lime. I take it every morning plus the unripe pawpaw too and the babies suck it from my breast.

Every morning, we take them out in the morning sun.

Few days later, everything started clearing from their body and their eyes turned white.

We went back to the hospital to do another test( just to confirm if the jaundice is still there or not).

The jaundice was gone. Allhamdulilah.

Everything ended in praise. Mother and the babies are doing well.

The annoying part of the 4th trimester is the sleepless nights. I can't wait for this phase to pass.

Thank you all for your support and prayers.

Screen name: mommafertile:

Birth week : 39 weeks 6 days.

 B.S! B.S!! B.S!!!

I give thanks to God for preservation of my life and that of my baby.

At around 39 weeks, I was frequenting the toilet to urinate almost every 5 minutes. It was so stressful.

By then I was already tired of being pregnant and can't wait to have my baby. I was tired of going for antenatals too, the doctor tested me and said the OS abi na cervix is still closed. We met with the MD of the hospital to ask about epidural analgesia, which we added as part of the labour pain reducing options, they also said it is best injected when labour has reached around 6cm or so. I was gearing for 6cm so we can request for it at the hospital, so it was devastating hearing OS is closed, not even at 2cm.

I was doing this labour inducing exercise that I saw on YouTube. I did the exercise for two days, on the 5th day which was a Friday, I saw the mucus plug come out. I have been having contractions like mild menstrual cramps, so I decided to continue the labour inducing exercise. On Saturday, another mucus plug came out with droplets of blood. I went to my sister's place with my tired body as a way to exercise.

The contraction increased Saturday night/Sunday morning, so I was unable to go to church on Sunday morning. My husband and I went to the hospital and met the same doctor that's been handling my file since, he checked again and said OS is still closed, the doctor said I should go back home, the nurse said it's because I'm a first timer that's the reason I'm acting drama, in anger I told her I'm not acting drama that I know how I'm feeling, she later apologized. The doctor said nothing to be done, that even if I'm to be induced it will be week 41. I was so weak and could not argue anymore, so we went back home the same morning. On getting home, the cramps reduced, I was relieved.

Later that Sunday evening, the cramps resumed and became so unbearable. Since we just returned from the hospital that morning, I didn't want to go again. I managed till Monday morning, the intensity of the contraction increased to like every 10 minutes. Around 2pm Monday afternoon when the contraction didn't stop or reduce, I made up my mind to go for an induction at the hospital because I was so frustrated. My family friend and I went to the hospital, while we told my husband to stay back because we don't want neighbors suspecting I'm going to the hospital.

We met the same doctor that kept saying OS is closed, he tested again, same closed OS, we told him to admit me at the hospital, he was reluctant to do so but later agreed after calling the MD. The MD said he would be around in the evening, I was in the room I got admitted into but was going through intense contraction, my family friend went home which is close by to get my hospital bag. My husband came some minutes later (all the efforts for landlady not to suspect I'm at the hospital proved abortive, you know Naija people and their shine shine eyes grin grin).

 Please bear with me, I'll complete the birth story soon, busy with baby and trying to recover, been a bit tired the past few days.

Thank you for your understanding.


[b] Continuation

I was taken back to the labour room by the nurses and administered enema cos I was complaining of using the toilet. After the nurse did the enema with Lux soap and warm water, I rushed upstairs to my room to use the toilet. I was a bit relieved.

As my husband got to the hospital with some other supplies that he feels I might need, the contraction continued.

I was pacing round the room and will shout a bit when the contraction starts, they will quickly come and help me massage my lower back.

The nurses then moved me to another room on the first floor for easy management cos it's getting late in the evening. I could not eat or drink water. It was so intense.

I was taken to the labour room again for tests, this time by a new doctor and another set of nurses on night shift.

They found out cervix was still closed, one of the nurses took permission to check and said she can feel the baby's head, all these tests were making me scream my lungs out. All their talks were flying out the window cos I didn't listen due to pain, I didn't even remember epidural sef.

The MD came in to check and said I'm truly in labour but the cervix is just closed, that it’s a rare case. Which means the doctor I've been seeing since didn't know it can happen due to his lack of experience on the job.

I was happy that at least, I was right on this one and not acting drama as the nurse said before.

The doctor then said I should calm down and cooperate or they will have to do CS. I didn't even listen to his talk, I was just crying.

He has gone to tell my husband and family friend that they may have to result in CS as I didn't cooperate and was stressing them.

One of the nurses then call them to tell me to cooperate so that since they can feel the baby's head, I can deliver vaginally, I just needed to endure a bit more.

The MD with the aid of the doctor and nurses later used his gynecological tools to insert a transparent small ball with rubber rope in my cervix I think (I've checked online for confirmation, it's called Foley Bulb)

I was taken back to the room, after the insertion and some injections.

The contraction became more intense and was not stopping at all.

The doctor said they will monitor the catheter for 3 hours but if it pulls out we should let them know.

I've gone to urinate in toilet up to 30 times since I arrived at the hospital.

I didn't even know anything or hear anyone again. I lied down the contraction will hold me, if I stand same thing, I was slapping the walls and crying. An AC repairer came to the room, I didn't even look at his side even though I was not well covered with the hospital gown.

Each contraction I'll shout at my husband and family friend to rub my back. They became tired but have no choice but to continue.

Within two hours while trying to go to the toilet again, the Foley Bulb pulled out. They quickly called the doctor, in the same process, the amniotic fluid rushed out.

As we got to the labour room, the fluid rushed out again.

By then I think the MD has gone home.

The doctor and nurses prepped me up in the labour room cos it seems the cervix dilated to 10cm quickly within the two hours.


I was told to hold my legs and push looking towards my belly button. I did like twice. They could see the baby's head but no space for the baby to pass, so I was given a tear (chai, the tear long reach my anus cry though I just noticed they cut it but didn't feel the pain) the nurse said I should give the push my all.

I pushed for the 3rd time. I didn't even wait for them to call again, then I pushed for the 4th time and the baby just slide out that they have to quickly catch her.

I just heard her crying in a very thick voice deeper than my own sef lolzzzzz.

I just laid down well feeling relaxed.

When they were to start suturing I quickly requested for injection that numb the pain, so I sha saw two syringes stuck close to my vagina and I didn't feel the pain during suturing.

After they've dressed for baby and finish up with dressing me too, we went outside the labour room where my husband and family friend were waiting to receive us. My room was few rooms away so we strolled down with the nurses holding me.

I just laid down looking at my baby in her cot.

I delivered almost midnight but it was still that Monday night at 39 weeks 6 days.

Who knows what would have happened if I went back home as they suggested in the morning.

The MD came to greet me and baby the next day.

The other nurses and the doctor I met earlier were speechless.

The vagina is almost 100% healed now at two weeks postpartum. My mum stayed for almost two weeks, so I do sit on new potty filled with Savlon antiseptic and hot water, morning and night, she massages my body and joints area with hot water, she treats the vagina suture by massaging with hot water in towel, I drink warm water, I bath with warm water too.

My tummy is almost flat.

I thank God for life.

So sorry it came late. I just decided to write it now this midnight.

Thank you.