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April 2023 Cesarean Birth Stories

Birth Stories

Congratulations to you strong mamas and papas. Both moms and dads are allowed to share their birth stories

Please add your birth story in the comments below.

This thread is for birth announcements for members of the April  2023 Cesarean Birth Stories. Kindly go to other sections for other kind of births. 

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  1. You can like the Birth Story
  2. You are more than welcome to start a post of your own to share your birth story and link it in the comment
  3. You can also send a private message to the member who posted the Birth Story

ONLY the parents of the babies are allowed to post their birth stories. (If you want, admin can post for you, with permission from you (the parent) kindly contact us)

Below is a guideline, you don't have to fill all the pointers. Feel free to share as much, or as little of your birth story as you would like. Also, feel free to post pictures, including angel babies. Please remember that this is a public group so anyone can see information and pictures you've shared; crop out names or information from photos accordingly.

Your Screen name: 

Baby's Name: 


Date of Birth: 

Birth Location

Original Due Date: 

Weeks Pregnant: 

Baby's Weight: 

Baby's Length: 

Birth Story or link to Birth Story Post:

Screen name: iamfertile(f)

EDD: May 2nd.........

Birth date: April 13th 

My BS :

Hmmm, where do I start from so I don't write a complete book? God has been merciful to me all through the years. I ttc for 7 years so when I found I was pregnant at exactly 7 years I decided that nothing will happen to this pregnancy. All through the 1st trimester till 3rd trimester I didn't even feel like I was pregnant. Everything was just normal except for the nausea that comes & go.

At 34 weeks my Dr advice we should do elective CS or induced me since the baby was matured & wt our years of ttc that we shouldn't take any chances. I declined because I was scared of surgery (my younger sis died during her 3rd CS) so I guess the trauma was still in me so I declined saying that I'll try normal delivery.

@36 weeks I started having contraction but I didn't know it was contraction. I thought it was the baby playing makosa in the tummy. At week 37 I packed my bag & go to the hospital, I was checked & they said I was 3cm. I agreed to be induced & the Dr inserted a tablet around 7am, I started having contraction but not that serious. By 11am another tablet was inserted that if it didn't work they can do the CS. Gosh, the contraction started fully yet I wasnt passing 4 - 5cm. I was weak & couldn't bear it again. Water has broken since 2pm & the baby was already in distressed. I was worried & at point I started shouted that the Dr should come & do her CS o. I never knew contraction can be so painful (hmmm, mothers are trying. ). When it was around 8:30pm the Dr checked me & said I was 8cm already that I should bear the pain I declined that she should go ahead wt the CS. Na so the baby was brought out by 8:58pm & the Drs were shouting the baby is big o (weigh 3.3kg) while scan was saying 2.5kg.

CS pain isn't Moinmoin but I thank God that it worth the pain looking at the baby anytime I feel relieved because even after birth my baby was placed on oxygen for 2days because she was having respiratory disorder abi wat do they call it?

Though I'm trusting maybe I can have a VBirth in my next pregnancy.

To all the awaiting mothers I pray God will do it & the preggy sisters easy birth injn.