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39 weeks pregnant woman advised to come for induction by her doc due to her blood pressure readings

While browsing through other forums online, I came across this; 

RUSA Wrote: 

"I am team January. All my scans and test were pretty ok till Teusday. Got High blood pressure reading of 150/90. Surprisingly, I had no headache. No pain, nothing. I am also a FTM and not in Nigeria. My gynaecologist want an induction but I wish to have a normal labour, so we are watching it. There’s no protein in my urine, blood test is superb, but I am guessing the HBP is hereditary.

I will be 39 weeks gone tomorrow, tomorrow I go for monitoring to see how baby is doing.

Great testimonies awaits us all. Amen"

My Reply;


You will be absolutely fine if you don't go for induction. Keep an eye on your blood pressure, rest, drink and use safe natural remedies.

Please watch the above video, we talked about it."


Pweetiebabe(f) Wrote:

"how on earth will she keep an eye on blood pressure, wot if she no get machine to constantly check her Bp, then I don't know why u will be advising a pregnant woman to go against her Doc. wa o"

My Response:

"I understand, not everyone has a blood pressure machine.In cases like this, the hospital has told her to come for regular checkup to see if her blood pressure has gone down. I am simply saying ,she should keep an eye on it whenever it is checked to make sure the resting and herbs she uses are working well. So she will know the things that are working for her and stick to it.Doctors are humans, just like everyone else. They have personal bias just like everyone else. The earlier we understand this, the better for us all.
Induction involves them putting artificial products into your body or breaking your waters. The first intervention can lead to more and more intervention that can lead to having a CS. In many cases, if you don't go into labour simply means your body is simply not ready for labour. 
Please I might not respond or go back and forth as I don't want to disturb the flow of the forum. I appreciate your opinion, because we don't comprehend somethings doesn't make it a lie or misleading. You can contact me with my signature if you want to converse further."

Pweetiebabe(f) Wrote:

"Am not disputing the facts that doctors are human o, but u know they have the knowledge about this thing more than us because it's their Field and they've received d training and that doesn't mean they too don't make mistake, but in this case u telling her not to go for induction is wrong"

futuremoma34 Wrote:

" so you mean, she should not follow her doctor recommendation? The other day you told a mama that you gave birth virginal after 3cs and you told her nothing will happen. How you mislead people in this forum Just to cause traffic in this platform is terrible. Please stop the lies"

My Response:

" To be honest I know where you are coming from and I have once had the same mentality that you have now. It is like telling a student not to listen to their teacher. We believe so much in the institutions and we forget they are humans and depend alot on machines. So I am not surprised by what you have typed. All that I am typing requires a level of understanding. It is 2 things, it is either you get it or you don't get it.
If you don't get it, that is fine. But I implore you and everyone to seek for knowledge. Knowledge is power, knowledge can make you understand things deeper and clearer. Deep knowledge is not a popular opinion, but it is the truth."


I have  a video to address this a little bit further.

Do your research and do things that are good for you. Why can't the doctor recommend things you can do to help with your blood pressure? Why offer induction? When they know fully well that a failed induction can lead to CS. Why offer to put chemicals , artificial product into your body as the one and only option ?