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2024 Ceaserean Birth Stories


I gave birth on the 26th of December 2023.

I gave birth through emergency CS as labour was not progressing past 7cm.


B.S B.S Birth Story

I thank God for safe delivery firstly cos that's the ultimate of this story.

I was told by doctor that my EDD is 18th December, scan center outside said 17th December, early scans has been showing early January.

Doctor said if there's no show then I'll be induced by 25th of December.

By 18th December, no show till 25th December. I didn't argue with the hospital because my period skipped for two months before I discovered I was pregnant, at the time I was still breastfeeding my first baby. As at the time I saw my first period after delivery, my baby was around 5 months.

I didn't see the period when first baby was 6 months, all tests showed negative pregnancy test.

I didn't see my period when baby was 7 months too, when I checked with pregnancy test strip, it then showed positive.

I was then confused when I actually got pregnant. Scan was giving different dates too.

In order not to take risks, I quickly accepted the induction advised by the hospital.

The induction and epidural for pain was administered on the evening of 25th December, by evening of 26th December, the labour did not progressed past 7cm.

Doctor said we should opt for CS cos baby's heartbeat was on the increase and I was in so much pain too.

My mum and husband encouraged me to allow the CS, I told them I'm not afraid of the money it will cost or any other thing.

We all encouraged ourselves.

I went into the theater by 9pm of 26th December, after all the preparation, the surgery started around 9:30pm, due to the epidural I've used before and I was feeling pain after administering spinal block.

The doctor just told the nurse to give me sedation injection.

On receiving the injection, I just slept off.

I later saw the nurse showing me my baby from a distance and cleaning up for her.

When I woke up again, I was back in my private ward and it was almost morning.

I later asked my family when the baby was brought out they said it took less than 30 minutes, just that they have to keep me and baby in recovery room. A nurse I asked for the time it took a patient earlier and she said they started the CS around 7 and they're done by past 8 that same night, so that encouraged me it won't be long.

I am so glad it all turned out well.

Thank God for safe delivery.